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Tyrr dreadnought perfect combo.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by walkingcat, Sep 23, 2016.

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  1. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    Hi all

    No doubt there are enough topics about it, however most info is not up to date.

    First of all - PvE and PvP are kinda related to each other, since PvP comes up during PvE sometimes u know...
    I would like to ask what's the best mid-grade player setup that doesn't require any changing/switching skills,items etc.
    Does it fits nicely? Please see below.
    R95 Bless Pole +12 2xSA,
    +6 Blessed R95 set,
    Olympiad stun earring,
    Istina earring,
    Soul Tezza,
    Tauti ring,
    Abilities: Would like to get best answer here. (ATM have full hp and some atk spd etc.)
    Dual skill - 12%hp + Physical trait,
    Brooch: 3lv Ruby, 3lv Opal, 3lv Diamond,
    Dyes: +12STR,
    Venir 8 stage,
    Seed of annihilation tali,
    Hunter talisman,
    Hat -Advice me: +3STR , +5% patk, +50crt rate, +30 Attribute attack.
    Fish stew: STR or DEX ?
    Shirt: currently on Istina, because I don't want to invest much on this, maybe im wrong enlight me pls
    Belt: OLY PVE or PVP well it's obvious, depends.

    So I've mentioned setup that is on my target or i have some of these.

    Anyway I would like to see opinions on underlined.
    However please, please do not mention things that are better (I mean more expensive way way more) by the list above.
    I would like to get info like: "You can replace x with y by adding 100kk, and get some improvement". OR "You can sell x to get y, and save money for z".

    Maybe you have some nice secrets that you can share with me like best buff sets or skill combinations that outputs highest damage in least amount of time.

  2. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    Blessed zaken's additional resists might be better than istina earing's higher mdef but it costs slightly more.
  3. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    If you have enough money, I would sell Tauti ring which you don't need at all, and buy soul baium, with that you have 5/5 stun jewels, which is all DN is about. AP's I would say you have 2 options, depending how you feel about it in Pve / Pvp, you can either go for warrior tree with Element / Stun / Pattack / HP or if you think you're too squishy in pvp you can always switch some points from pattack to more hp from the other trees, in pvp the more con you have the better (there's a limit in how much HP you can reach and it's 150.000).

    Fish stew I would go STR for pve, con for pvp, no doubt about it. About hat, pattack 5% for pve (when you have good items adding lots of pattack like abundance lvl 1 + nice jewels and so on, this 5% can be like 10k extra pattack), for pvp either con if you don't have enough or even pdef might be not so bad.

    About shirt I would try to get one of those shiny shirts at least +7 so you have savage for pve, +3 to all stats, cele for pvp and some other cool bonusses. Also don't forget obisidian level 3 or bigger for pvp, it's rly huge boost
  4. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    About hat, while i was watching experimentarium on attribute attack/def differences, I'm kinda thought that atribute from exalted tiara might be pretty nice, opal3 (+40)+PA attribute attack (+50)+ tiara (+30) + iss ditty (+10) is +130, isin't that better pve/pvp wise than +5% p atk and losing those 30 attack points on attribute ? or may i be wrong? I dont know :S

    And shirt, does it cost a lot to make it +7? I have no idea of the price of it always thought it cost few billions that at the momment i cannot add to my list.

  5. Rnika

    Rnika User

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    Basic: Istina Normal Earring+CoC Stun Earring / Octavis warrior / Trasken Ring + Octavis Warrior Ring
    MasterCard: Blessed Antharas + CoC Stun Earring / Valakas Blessed / Trasken Ring + Octavis Warrior Ring
    Basic:Istina Normal Earring+CoC Stun Earring / Soul Tezza / Tauti Ring + AQSoul
    MasterCard: Blessed Antharas + CoC Stun Earring / Valakas Blessed (or tezza soul if your opoponent like yul/tyrr/dagger has probably much stun rezist/attack)/ Baium Soul + AQSoul (Or tauti if you know opponents will get stun anyway)

    Set: Aim in +8 R95 blessed or +8 R99 even normal then bless it.

    PvE - Beserker rage + HP
    Pvp - Triat + HP

    i think its ok atm. Maybe emerald lvl 4 would be nice to get +2 str

    Dyes: Make at least +5-1x3 (+3 STR > -3 DEX)

    Venir lvl 7 is enoght just for 1 STR and 1CHA, no need luck.

    Seed tali - ofc longing +2 str

    Tali: hunter is ok aim for 1lvl abundance

    Hat: 3 str or 50 atri from exalted+eye patch with good augment

    Stew: STR only

    Shirt: Atleast shiny +6 - More STR then istina additional wrath(savages skill) +10 salvation/rebirth/cl/dispa and +4 all stats.

    Belt: Aim for ekimus, now its cheaper and its univerasl for pvp and pve.

    Abitily: Make yourself full buff and add as many as you need to 1500 a.speed points. Then for 1 point to every hp (3x6%) better than 2x2lvl10%. P.atk./crit focus/crit dmg/ atri dmg.

    Weapon: Is ok nice oe. Later you can aim for +10 PvE pole :)

    I hope i helped a little bit.
  6. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    Yea, thanks for this answer. But see what I've asked is not to differ PVE from PVP (cuz I understand PVE=boost p/atk,spd/crits, PVP=Boost stuns,survivability), since i want to know best that i can make without switching things like abilities/jewels/dual skills. To get into that gold spot, be more versatile u know.

  7. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    As a DN NEVER think of getting any jewel that doesn't give you stun attack, it's the only thing you need for pve / pvp
  8. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    My suggestion will require you to change quite a lot from PVE to PVP setups. If you don't want to change much, just choose what's more important to you (PVE or PVP) and build towards that.

    PVE: bless valakas, lindvior, bless antharas, earth wyrm, soul baium
    mid-grade PVE: oct warrior neck or soul frintezza, coc stun earring, istina earring normal, soul qa and oct war ring (or tauti)

    PVP: soul frintezza, coc stun 40%, bless antharas, soul baium, soul qa
    mid-grade PVP: soul frint, coc stun 40%, istina normal ear, soul qa, tauti ring (since you have it already)

    About brooches, lv 3 is the minimum, lv 4 is nice, lv 5 is perfect.
    PVE: ruby, diamond, opal (maybe emerald too, but doesn't change much)
    PVP: ruby, diamond, obsidian (obsidian is REALLY important for pvp) and pearl (if you have 5 slots, can put on last slot opal - if you wanna do few more damage, garnet - to resist few debuffs, emerald - to get a little bit of hp/p.atk)

    PVP: anakin + longing + abundance lv 1
    mid-grade PVP: hunter (if you can have either anakin or abundance lv 1 for extra 1k p.def is nice too)

    PVE: 7s + longing + abundance
    mid-grade PVE: w/e you can get

    PVE: all on warrior tree, p.atk, p.def, p. crit damage, element.. if you are dying too much, can go for some hp on wizard or knight.. or some atk speed on knight if you feel that you miss it..
    PVP: 8 on HP, 2 on m.def (knight) and 2 on stun/para (knight), 2 on stun/yoke (warrior) and last 2 on p.def

    PVE: +27% p.atk proc and p.atk passive (or hp, if you die normally)
    PVP: physical trait + 2 HP

    PVE: +5% p.atk or +50 element from exalted
    PVP: +5% p.def (and some con, but it's really expensive.. maybe just stick with p.def) or +50 element from exalted

    Augment (can think of this when you get r99 pole I guess - your final weapon)
    PVE: +15% p. crit damage
    PVP: +30% stun chance

    Shirt ideally is +10 shiny shirt, but +6 or +7 gives some nice bonus already.. I saw 1 month ago shirt +7 for 3b on action, maybe it appears again, Idk..

    PVE: PVE belt (+6% pve damage) or monkey belt or coc belt (the best)
    PVP: PVP belt (-7% pvp damage) or ekimus or coc belt (the best)

    PVE: STR (and if you can, +STR +CHA dyes)
    PVP: CON (but since nobody got time to keep changing, +STR +CHA is not so bad)

    On set, you'll need to decide what you want, if it's light or heavy.. this decision is hard, since heavy gives you more survivablity (p.def), but light gives more utility and DPS (-10% cd and debuff resist). Most end-game dreadnought would go for light tho. But like Rnika said, +8 bless r95, after normal +8 r99, after bless and after pvp (sometimes it's a better deal to buy +8 pvp parts than making them with stones, so when you get to this point you'll need to check what's better).

    Your weapon is fine imo.. after might try to get +10 pve weapon like Rnika

    PVE: try to stay together with tank, where he groups mobs so you can AOE with normal hits as much as possible, doing stun from time to time (and if mobs do debuff, like the stun on captains from atelia, you can also check them out and knock them down when they are casting)
    PVP: try to be inside enemy (when possible, since sometimes you need to go back to stay alive), check for purges and do stun/knock down skills when they are open to debuff (no purge, angel's touch, MI or celestial) and you can also do cancel inside enemy

    If you wanna try rly hard, can also take coc knock down/back earring and maybe even lindvior and make a macro (or switch manually) for them when you use knock down skills (giant punch, sonic star and power bomber, I think it's those names).

    About your toon, I'd push for obsidian lv 4, r99 +8 set with chest pvp and soul baium for pvp, maybe after going for anakin or abundance lv 1 talisman; r99 set +8 (with some parts bless if you can) and after +10 pve pole when you can. You can also go for ruby lv 4 for PVE, but deppending on your luck, you can spend a lot.
  9. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    I agree with most if not all of what Taka said.

    For me, hair accessory : Exalted tiara is a Bis. Iirc 10attr roughly equals 0.6-0.7% damage, so you end up with imo more damage than 5% patk + you have some damage reduction at the same time. Works wonder for both PvE and PvP.

    For set, light is imo better, as 10% cd reduction often means more survivability/offensive that a slight boost in pdef (means lower cd on your debuff, but also on your buffs that can heal you)
  10. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    Me again, would like to get update from some of you.
    Recently got Pa'agrio shirt +7,
    Thinking about improving it to Shiny or Physical Reflect shirt.
    Which one is more useful for tyrr dn?
    Please note: I will keep it +7, won't enchant more for quite long time.
    So, I know shiny gives a lil bit pve improvment and skills that u can use every 30~ mins.
    But isin't Reflect shirt better PVP wise?

  11. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    You haven't answered my question.
  12. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    For first shirt I'd go with shiny, be it +7 or +10..
  13. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    and the reason for that?
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