those wizard skills? you ment skillbar where is all elementals toggle skills and enlightenment? or that animation after using skill? or those two bars of casting skill?
he means enlightment i guess. enlightment is ok but imo wizard spirit > enlightment. skills dont reuse fast enough as if that c.speed matters. the extra pdef/mdef is more worth it
inn pts server forgotten skills cant be learnd and i never see using forgotten skills on innova server but korean server have englighmtn or fighters will or like this stuff
dear epyhon, after you make the awakening quest you're left with most of your old skills - and to learn the new ones you need to sacrifice those old ones. but, some players leave some of their pre 85 skills, because they still are useful - just like this mage on your screen didn't exchanged enlightenment. for example, most storm screamers leave empowering echo, so they got a lot more m.atck after doing the awakening class change. and we know that forgotten scrolls ain't working on pts, but they will on live server. i hope this is the answer you were looking for
closing old/inactive thread. for information: forgotton scrolls work on live server, as for what happens the them after awakening source -
forgotten skills 81+ i can`t find any info anywhere... skills like fighter`s will or rune protection/elemental will remain after awakening?
source - merging thread with another of similar topic. regards.