Hey, according to Helios Patchnotes players shall be able to take chain quest helping them to level up their sub. This is meant to compensate the decreased XP drop from hunting monsters. Now I tried this at NCWest and it works. You can take the Kekropus Letter quests (from the person in the location where the quest takes part, e.g. the patrol at Sea of Spores), not at the Guard Captains. Basically you need to provide four times the quest items you needed for the quest on your main class but the quests are repeatable. Means if you have missed the next level breakpoint for the next quest, you can just retake the one you just did. Now on core this does not seem to work. At least not for me. I created a new sub and didn't find any quest in Heine / Alligator Island on my 40 level char. Now note that on NCWest I tried with the Sea of Spores quest on a 56 level sub. Can anyone tell me if it is working (maybe just not with the 40 level quest) or if its bugged in general? Basically it is a great way of leveling, especially now, where hunting XP got decreased. Thanks in advance. BTW: It says that you should be able to undertake those quests in Core patchnotes as well, not just in those from NCWest.
There is a full information about these quests (Quest name - First NPC): 1. The Alligator Hunter Returns (Lv. 40-45) - NPC Captain Bathis in Gludio. 2. The Outlaws are Incoming (Lv. 46-51) - NPC Head Blacksmith Flutter in Oren. 3. The Reason One Cannot Wait (Lv. 52-57) - NPC Captain Mouen in Oren. 4. Defending the Forsaken Plains (Lv. 58-60) - NPC Paterson in Aden. 5. Endless Revenge (Lv. 61-64) - NPC Paterson in Aden. 6. Assisting the Golden Ram Army (Lv. 65-69) - NPC Captain Mathias in Rune. 7. An Ominous Request (Lv. 65-69) - NPC Captain Mathias in Rune. 8. Weakening the Varka Silenos Forces (Lv. 76-80) - NPC Captain Andrei in Goddard. 9. Weakening the Ketra Orc Forces (Lv. 76-80) - NPC Captain Andrei in Goddard. 10. The Role of a Watcher (Lv. 81-84) - NPC High Priest Maximilian in Giran. some of those quests are not worth even doing, and its much faster to do rbs.. i made 1st sub to 80 in less than 2h (used expertise R and gone soloing rbs), 2nd sub was bit more than 2h (made varka q with main to be faster after i reached 76) and 3rd sub took me 6 raids