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CarbonFiber .. my story .

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Carb0nFiber, Nov 2, 2016.

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  1. Carb0nFiber

    Carb0nFiber User

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    Hello every! :) Winter is coming , so after long summer brake(to hot to play) its time for lineage 2 again ;) I just wanted to say few things about me, because its started to be rly crazy about all talkings about CarbonFiber... I started playing l2 like 10 years ago, when our Pc's was so bad that we couldnt move from Giran(that was the place in old l2 where it was main point) , but we wanted to be part of l2 so badly , that we started just to trade, if we couldnt pvp/pve at least that.. Thats how i started to love trading in l2 , and when it become my pation. First time i came to official server was on Aria, or what ever was the name i alredy forgot, when i was playing in 7 sins clan from its first stages. With Hell, Robby and so on... My nick was Technology back then ... After fusion with Core we tried for a bit to be best clan, but Hell quit l2, and i was again w/o clan .. After that i made with friend MidgetFactory clan where we was only dwarfs :) And that was rly awesome period of my l2.. on start of clan i bought Giran clan hall with all adenas i had + some small amount from friend dwarf MrGood.. but i didnt regret it, was awesome :) After some times i had to quit l2, because i had to move to other town, i sold my clan hall, but transfered clan to Mrgood, so Midget could keep on playing if they want... I made 1 year brake and after that made CarbonFiber... Only big clan i was in was Hell 7 sins, and Fredinator RedCros or what was the name smth like that... If u ask me now, i dont know to tell u name of any clan of server because i was never in that world... I know bunch of heroes because they are so nice that they wana write my trading shouts and i love them for that <3 .. i rly dont wana write all names because i will forget some im sure and i dont want that... but over 50 heroes writen my shouts during all this years and rly thanks from my heart <3 Worst thing that happen to me on this server was when some1 started to write that i am scammer... And it all came from most stupid scam posible.. Some1 was running around Aden(btw he is still dooing that be carefull ) telling that he is me, Seleniia, Surprised etc... I HAVE ONLY 2 CHARS , CarbonFiber and TravelAgent and who ever else say its me, ITS NOT! And other thing that put bad things on my name... When ever some1 scam smth i guess he first come to me , to ask if i wana buy(because i am pretty sure i am first guy who every1 on server pm when wana buy/sell smth) , and i think thats why sometimes i have items that some1 got scamed... but for 10 years of l2 i never took any1 anything, because most important thing about every trader is his dignity and to be trustable. I have like 1000 satisfaid customers who could say that...

    <3 love u all, CarbonFiber
    p.s Im rly sry to all who didnt care about me or my topic, i just wanted to clear things up.
    Cheers my dear fellow Lineager's ;)
    Kym Willer likes this.
  2. 1Damage

    1Damage User

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  3. Carb0nFiber

    Carb0nFiber User

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    I know u wana get some fame points for knowing me and arguing with me etc, u wont get that, i dont have anything to prove, just wanted to tell my story, trolls will keep on trolling as always, used to that after 10 years of this game :) Btw thanks for saving pics so sweet <3

    Love, Carbon <3
  4. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Travel should we call up IcraftTrabant ,or mby Tea gonna tell ur "story" from MF timeline?!
    U skiped so much important info.
    Like taking cash only from mrGood?! Rly nobydy else gave u adena for ch,so later u sold it and never gave back any cash to pple?
    U were in PLENTY of clans including rg,7s,old ba ,from all kicked/left cuz 0 activity.
    Later for one we agree here,ure an adena seller and lovely asslicker.So pple would think ure a "nice" person.
    Now mr.attention seeker pls STOP posting anything.
    Server isnt interested in lies.

    Edit: Can we have this topic moved to Offtopic section,pls?
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
  5. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    I can provide TL:DR for this wall poorly written text, so here we go, just thank me later:

    Hey all, I am CarbonFiber and I never cared about game, I started playing here just to trade, make adena and sell it for my daily amount of rice.

    Sincerily yours, CarbonRMTFiber
  6. Carb0nFiber

    Carb0nFiber User

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    u wont get any replays from me, i know u cant undrstand pasion for trading, and that u will response with craps like this, not a problem, its for normal ppl, not for l2 trolls. Love some1, dont hate :*

    no more replays, hope u like my story <3
  7. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    I will give you some history so you can read it and process the info in it, I've been trading for a lot of years during l2 but always with a purpose, to improve my main character, I will always remember the shots war in giran back in the time, when lowering 1 adena per SSD could make you earn some nice money that you could use to improve your character.
    Why people is saying that you're an RMT'er it's quite simple, if you makes adena daily and you have only 2 chars and both of them are traders, which means you have no real character to improve, it means 2 things, either you will stockpile all the adena just to like the numbers when you look at them, or you're using that money you win per trade at some point to sell it to some other players, simple as that, because if you had real characters those adenas or at least part of it would go to improve your ingame char, it's no more than the use of logic
  8. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Lemme state this again to make it clear for all:
    He trades adena to sell it for real cash.
    Last time he was gathering it for a car (lol)
    His toon is NOT progressing since ever,so what else to do with gained adena?
    I leave the answer to urselfs.

    Pls Admins close this nonsense topic.Ty.
  9. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    I sold my whole feoh items to CarbonFiber. he paid me 50% on first trade, i gived him all my items. After few days he mailed me the rest of the adena. ( 50% more ) He could scam me easy since i trusted on him and gived him everything for only 50% of the price, but he didn't, few days later he mailed the rest. Maybe he can be something else, but not scammer.
    Just my pov. wb boy.
  10. Carb0nFiber

    Carb0nFiber User

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    i would not sleep normaly till rest of my life if i would take that from u bro :) thanks for kind words i apriciate that, but i just wanted to tell my story, not to argue with any1 :) Love and piece , Carbon <3 ;)
  11. Rnika

    Rnika User

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    Story of your life. here have a warm potato. This potato had similar life story.
    St0ne likes this.
  12. goduole

    goduole User

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    Dfq this story is? xD that for 10 ears u standing at town, spaming shout and hoping someone sell u cheap to resel expensive, what kind of playing is that :D end of story ;s

    Btw u are reselling adens for euros, bann that mdfucker ;s
  13. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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