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Hi and Help, thank you.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by DianaMain, Nov 5, 2016.

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  1. DianaMain

    DianaMain User

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    Hello guys, it's been a really long long time since i played here. I'm one of the first persons to play on this european server, in fact, i was refreshing the website every minute the day it was supposed to launch. I remember when leveling was impossible on the first days if it wasn't for GMS spawining LOADS and LOADs of quest mobs, i remember taking a really long time to get to 99 (from what i can see now it's much much faster), anyway, just to let you know i'm no stranger to this server, i got my Othell at 99 and my dual also othell but spoiler at 96, still have my r95 set and weapon. I took probabily 3 years + break and now i'm back. I only remember doing karthia, baylor, balok and instinia but there are some new stuff which i have no idea so i need your help to get back into the game.

    1 - Adena, my first question. I remember farming at GOG but that seems over now, how are people doing adena mainly solo or trio max? Back in the days i used to spoil gems R with my buddies at SOS? (i don't remember the name sorry). Is it still viable?

    2 - - How does this works? Where can i find this mob and what are the requirements (gear wise) and also, i don't have that class, you think my main othell can manage it?

    3 -I can't play hardcore, so how long would it take just to play for the dailies? (karthis etc) At the weekends i can focus more important instances.

    thanks in advance all.

    PS: I deleted my fairy agathion which i used to teleport to GOG, is there anyway i can get another?
  2. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    1 - its soh/gf and gems are still spoiling there
    2- its crystal caverns 97+ instance.. for solo u need wagon of gear, and if u solo farm adena there u need to have 4 pa's to enter cause its 5+ ppl, and wealthy can be 1 in 100 enter (or even longer to find)
    3 - group kartia is ~20-30mins (depends on dds), solo kartia 10~ min, kamaloka 10-59 min (also depends on dds), baylor 30s-10mins (also dd dependant)
    those crystal caverns (its 3x/day) takes 5-10min each
    so if u have decent gear and party of not total papers u can make all dailys in ~1.5h (after 100 2h), with good geared party all can be done in 30-40mins

    p.s. no more agathions for u
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