Someone know what i need to use this bait? - I Have PA - I Have Rod - I Have SS - I Have PA Bait and whats said i dont have de requiriments.. I can use normal bait but PA Bait no.
As I remember, compared to the standard bait (not the 99) it gives about 1.5x xp. I didn't compare it with 99 bait. However this is the only way you can get some adena out of PA points.
The problem is the delay of baits... Infos about fishing: First be sure to be level 2 in faction. Go to Heine and speak with Santiago, he's on the opposite side of the event pedestal or you can just simply /target him when you go to Heine. As for the Master Fishing Rod, you will need a Sturdy Fishing Rod + 10 Santiago's Reel Fragments for the level 1.
those who fishes for profit long time got proper rods.. santiagos even on lv5 is lower than fancy one