2 npc died and all all the time have fear from main boss... great work .... make kartia solo harder ... more ppl buy pa .... nice move
actually all their politics will make more ppl quit this server like ncwest thought not banning bots will be profitable in the past and had to merge all their servers to 2
i do not see the difference, kartia 90lvl ist even easier than before! anyway they should merge server , caus aria ist dead server now.
yday server was laggy i think cuz i died 3x in 90 kartia solo, even with salvation. mobs killed me in 5 secs. then i closed everything in the background, setup lower graph then i finished easily and today too. i thought the same that kartia is changed.
for 353426t35613456345634634 time.... innova cant do anything with lineage2 without permission of korea.
i'm not sure but kartia 90 became easier today. npcs actually do what they are supposed to do, they attack, they are not stuck. tank actually agroes and you can see agro on mobs' debuffs.
i'm yul and when i do single kartia and arrive to zellaka i live whit fear and healer too.so can be appen i die :d