strong guyz team presents - 7 guyz including gustavo: download link: (best quality, it's less than 500mb gogo download) youtube link: (dont click on it, just download the link cuz its better qq) pov: mak0 - 96 healer (yes another healer fraps, dont cry i even sped it up a little) duration: 15 minutes resolution 1680x1050 pvps in order: intro: enclave pr from bahhie and me (2 strong 4 all) 7v7+7 gute -> halaster 7v7+7 amber (including amethyst) (we pr because of backstabbing from second hb group) 14v14 heartbreakers (happened right after that 7v7 b4) heartbreaker pr few seconds after pvp start enclave pr few seconds after pvp start 7v14 vaevictis 21 v ooc+vv antharas cc (latest "friendz" news) tracklist: sektor gaza - dopilsya tajm aut - budet esche kruche kipelov - topepo no shoutout for moir qq (from me also)
gustavo made movie i did movie hax did movie now if moir and kiru post a movies ill be completed and can quit the game sproot use bress !!! go go