Hey would like to hear your opinion have evi soon will be lvl 99 now i have +10 tw light set, +12 r95 fists 2sa, b.vala, anthy normal, trasken, tauti, b.zaken., longing. and i want to know if should i sell smthing and buy for example +8 pve light set and keep +12 r95 fists or keep +10tw set and buy better fists PVE or +16 r95? etc. Thanks
With all that gear the fact you don't know what's is better makes me wonder if your char is not full RMT'ed
ok thx @SnoWyz for ur opinion, cause iam thinking about fis or PVE set. And if somebody discuss about donate or nor. Iam man who has a great job and dont have +++++++++time to play. and if you earn enough to pay a ren a wife a children a bike a car etc etc and have enough money to donate l2 sote, nobody cant tell e anything, and i ask 1 question, and it was boy better fist or buy better armor and sty with r95.... Thx @SnoWyz
Maybe instead of donating for gear you should donate for brain, since asking so ******ed questions with that gear should be bannable offense, like for real. It all depends in what you want to focus, if you want to focus on pvp improve your armor for now, while for pve go for OE pve fists like +10/12 x2 SA's and all fine, after that you can go for pve set +8/10 and problem solved, top geared evis for pve