hi there, any suggestions about what dyes should have a feoh wizard (currently at lvl 90)? iâ´m not counting on the ubber int dyes that cost 100kk each etc. just something reasonable in price. is it worth it to get -6 or -9 wit to get +9 or +12 int in 3 dyes? or is it better to get +6int-4wit in 2 dyes and compensate with a +4 or +5wit -4men? or maybe forget about wit and int and just go +con -str until i have lots of adena to buy the ubber legendary +int dyes? thank you in advance!
dont make -wit in any case it gives nice boost to cast speed ... ur option is -men -con (but imo just get some money and buy nice dyes with less -)
1 dye int 2 dye wit, unless u have money for perf dyes, in which case go for +15 int, cast speed cap will be reached anyway by 97-99
cuz its alrdy close to max b4 nonetheless lvl5 legendary dyes give +1 wit aswell, so ur totally fine with +15 int, +3 wit if no money, go for +int and as less -wit as possible (if ur de dont even bother -wit, elf though can go for it) and use accessory for +3 wit.