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Inquiring about the server - thinking to join (share your thoughts)

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by BlkRizt, Dec 24, 2016.

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  1. BlkRizt

    BlkRizt User

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    Hello everybody,

    I've always been a fan of Lineage 2, my 1st MMORPG of choice also played a few others but L2 since I can remember from C4 and all the way to Freya The 2nd Throne, where I stopped. All private servers tho, I never played on official L2 servers because of how slow things move.

    Now my question is, is there any chance for a new player to join this game at this point in time and expect to get anytime soon to a decent level where I can actually enjoy PvP and PvE and the game to its full or almost full potential without having to play 24/7 for the next year or so?(because to be honestly I don't have that kind of time to invest with everything else that's going on)

    Thank you,
  2. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    If you have money, you can. If you can't put money, and don't have time for farm, you can't.
  3. Naito

    Naito User

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    No money and no time to farm. If someone does not have these two things playing at any game be not possible ^^
    For me of course you can back at any time.

    First of all you need to pick proper class. Damage dealers are most expensive to dress up and needs an active support to play a pvp and pve. I do not recommend start this game as tank or damage dealer. Paper tank can't be usefull, also damage dealer without damage. No one needs these two class without proper gear.
    Healer do not need an end-game equipment on good ++ to be usefull in mid pvp or even end-game pve. Same is with enchanters. They can be usefull in party even without expensive items.

    Second choise is to find a proper clan and proper cp, shouldn't be too strong. When you join somewhere just do your job. Do not try to be a best friend for them. Just play for self and watch them. If they are like you of course you can stay with them, time will let you feel like a part of the small family. But if not, if they do not try get a better equipment, do not improve theirs eq and skills, leave it and find something on a bit higher level. Other case you will stuck and disappear.

    Third is to understand, that people which have an end-game equimpent spend for it a lot of euro or play this game few years. Do not care about them, do not watch them, just ignore and play your own game.
    After 1 or 2 years you will learn a lot, know the community, get a good equipment (not the best), you can join to one of the top clan, where you can switch to the another level of your knowledge and equipment.

    Just step by step and you will get all you want :) Lineage 2 is not a game for 1 month, this game is for a years.
    If do not like play a healer or enchanter make a Sahya’s Seer or Feoh Soultaker with dual class healer, focus first on dual class and gather equimpent for the main. Be the same so do not waste your time. There is many option to make a good main/duall composition. Depends of what you need.

    Good luck!
    BlkRizt likes this.
  4. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    1st of all you have to stop reading posts from ppl playing archers, they have no idea about anything
  5. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Clearly agreeing with iBane. If you wish to fight for dragons , you will need to donate to catch up a bit on gear , the rest will come by playing with your clan. If you wish to stay at the middle pvp, I'm pretty sure you will find clans that can help you and where you will enjoy the game. Tho I think most of the people are in holidays so , you will mby find lower activity for the period.

    Naito likes this.
  6. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    I think even without donating or putting crazy hours on the game you can have fun with it, so the best way is to log and check for yourself if you will enjoy the loop and the progress.
    Naito and Anxxonymous like this.
  7. BlkRizt

    BlkRizt User

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    Great feedback so far, you also have to keep in my mind that by login in this game at this point I will just be looking like into the abyss I wouldn't know anyone, anything, I wouldn't know where to start and where to go from there, so if anyone is kind enough to offer a helping hand to someone new looking to join your server and offer advice occasionally and help while EXP-ing and gearing feel free to send me a PM here. (this is all advice wise I m not looking for free handouts, you have to understand at times I might get stuck along the way)

    Otherwise, i have a few extra questions, what are the top damage dealers here and also what are the best support classes that are fun to play as well? I never played a Bishops Class so I wouldn't dare to act as a healer at this point because I don't want to disappoint, how does a Bladedancer do for example? or idk any other advice regarding support classes that could be useful if you think that's the best course of action starting to move forward.

    Also, how is the EXP up until level 100? How long does it take roughly, is there a starting pack for new players when it comes to EXP that you could jump it faster?
    Also how about clans, middle geared, experienced friendly clans, how is the in-game philosophy of this game when it comes to newcomers? I've tried different games like Aion for example where the community is mostly made up of pre-mades and nobody pays attentions to new players and nobody wants them, therefore should i expect same type of community in here because if that is so in a game so large as L2 there is no point for me even download and instal the game..
  8. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    You can make 99 really quick by playing max 2h a day. Takes around 2 weeks even if you are lazy and skip Christmas and New Year's Eve.
    There are sets from quests for free which will be good till 95 then you may have to invest in a new one, unless you play a class which does not require damage.
    Above 99 it will take time, but on that level you unlock most of the game content (all the anyhow enjoyable parts).

    Regarding to PvP, you will not compete with top players who put decent money to the game monthly and playing here for 5 years.
    When you hit 101 and have decent gear (achievable without L2store in 3-4 months) you will survive 1 hit from above average players, assuming to invested in basic pvp gear (belt, jewels, proper gear).

    General tip to EXP quick: save your vitality at all cost.
    Do Kartias in the smallest possible group (Trio with basic sets is possible) to have the best chance for drop and top exp.
    Invest in Kartia passes (adena or cash) so you can do twice a day.
    Use Maphr scroll right before the boss dies, so you increase exp and it is cheap.

    As a kickstart you are recommended to get some store items and sell them to player, so you will have adena for the basics.
    Find someone experienced and a bigger PvE clan and surely they will give advices.
    CM Fragola and BlkRizt like this.
  9. BlkRizt

    BlkRizt User

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    Awesome, thank you very much this was very helpful and a good amount of detail.
  10. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    There are few topics about leveling and the best possible ways, also for farming adena.
    Search, search :)
  11. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    peoples who saving vit at any cost exp slower )
    how much exp you get from nm kama? with full pt and maprhs it's 70b? ok it's <10min inst (ok this is for stronk ones), so avg randoms party do it in 20min.. in same time in gc lower you get ~100b exp w/o vitality.. ok that depends also on how fast you can kill mobs. but overall saving vit it's good only if you play alone, and have some gear to do nm kama alone only with boxed iss.. and even from nm kama.. max what i got was 555b exp. in double exp week with dragon buff on, + maprh..
    btw from kartia 95 you can get ~130-150b exp. ofc it depends on your level. higher level less exp. but again.. saving vit or not saving.. it's ~20-30min..
    and you always can try to find treasure chest and regain your vitality while hunting mobs. (10min herb). it's enough to restore 2-3 bars, if you are good enough it's easy to restore full vit.
    so yes. save vit at any cost?.
  12. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    Yep, for a person who hasn t played GoD+ patch, new to the server, has no gear, no stuff and not planning to spend his kidney in the store, yes, save vit.
    Guy is obviously not 99+ yet, he has to reach that and he was wondering about the efficient way. Yes, save vit.
    He mentioned he has not much time, so doing 1-2 kartias a day, kamaloka and baylor (all ~1,5h) would be far the best way to farm, not doing gc lower without exp runes, without vit items.
    Yes, save vit.
    Also, obviously he is playing alone at least for now, so ye, save vit.

    ps.: zauliuz if you have personal problem with me or with my clan, there are PMs and proper topics for that
  13. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    On double xp week, i made each day 1.5trillion xp only with 1 nm kama solo, doing it 2 times per day was worth to 3 trillion xp/day only for those 40 min doin 2x kama on full boosts.
  14. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    yes. but you had 200% rune? or in short on full donate
  15. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    Since when u need to donate to buy 200% rune xp? I bougth them with adena, everyone can do it. If you cannot afford it with adena, buy it with €, but if u can afford it, there is a lot of l2store sellers.
  16. BlkRizt

    BlkRizt User

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    Tbh i wouldn't know what to spend my $$$ on in the L2store at this point in time and i would rather save it for when i reach 100+ and i get to know the server a little bit, but the idea of using those EXP buffs/runes/etc sounds good. Also, i just started, played a bit and at this point, i can't really tell what vitality is in game because i don't have any anything related to it yet.

    Also is it worth it to buy a premium pack at this point? will it increase my exp gain significantly or ?
  17. SaltyTears

    SaltyTears Volunteer team

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    I'm interested to know this strategy for: 2 weeks to 99 with 2 hours/day playtime. I started a week ago, and 85-90 is only teredor, k85, nursery and log off, with this tempo 85-90 will take more than 2 weeks.
  18. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    In short, without L2store:
    Have PA, have event gear or anything better.
    Maphr scroll for each Kartia boss and later Baylors, always have Clan Buff up, always ask for Exalted.
    Also considering you were smart and got the needed sets and weaps from Event last week.
    For the night put the char to Training Camp or set Fishing (Fancy rod boosts your exp significantly, but we are low budget, we ignore that now)

    Day 1 ~2h
    Let's assume you are 85 and freshly awakened.
    Do teredor, use your EXP rune you got from leveling up. It works on 85.
    Do kartia. Max 3 ppl, you can go DD + DD + Iss. Or find someone with box iss. Or have a box iss.
    With event set you should be able to survive without healer. You can do any reasonable 3-man setup with at least 1 DD. If you have boxed iss, return from the instance before the boss is dead.
    Right before boss is dead use Maphr scroll for extra exp. Also open the 85- EXP Rune.
    Make sure you are in clan with lv 4 buff (PvE damage + extra exp), and ask for Exalted buff outside.
    First Kartia with this and you are 87 already. If there is some event and you did not freshly graduate, 88 possible.
    Do 2nd kartia. Use Maphr again, still with clan buff and exalted. You should be 88 or 89.
    All this should take not more than 10 mins teredor, 2x 30 mins kartia, and take 20 mins making party.
    Find/make a party for Gludio / Swamp raids. Each of them gives ~20% exp. Heal, Iss, 5x DD with event sets or better should be enough to kill and move to next, 15 mins / raid.
    Optionally you can do solo kartia.

    Day 2 ~2,5h
    Guessing you are 88 at least, rather 89 already. Do one Teredor for the fun.
    2x Kartia. You have no damage reduction on the boss, no need 2nd DD. If you have boxed iss you can take 100% of the exp. If not or want to play safe, the usual duo/trio.
    Use Maphr, Clan buff, Exalted. I will not write those any more, every time you should have.
    You hit 90. That means time to enter higher kartia! This one is easier, you just need to stay alive.
    You may want to take 2 DDs if you are lower level just to kill it quicker. In general trio works again.
    Do it twice.
    This day may take a bit longer than 2h, it is based on your grouping speed and class (yul kills boss slower than evi).
    Optionally go for raids, solo kartia.

    Day 3 ~1,5h
    Standard 2x Kartia. Do the Magmeld chain quest. Bag the rewards from Fortuna. Do Istina.
    Do Spicula with 3-5 ppl (takes 3 mins).
    You should be above 93. Ideally closer to 94.
    Optional raids, solo kartia based on your time.
    This day you spent less time exping, more for quests and fun.

    Day 4 ~2h
    2x K90 should make you 95 already. You have less damage reduction, so duo with iss is possible.
    2x K95, find a high level DD to carry you. Watch out for the exp penalty. You are 96.
    Optional solo kartia, 93 Raids (harder to find),

    Day 5 ~2h
    2x K95 with the same setup. You are 97.
    Baylor 2x, make sure you switch target in the end so you can use 1 maphr for both bosses. Also do quest.
    Go 3x Crystal Caverns. Not much exp but more than nothing, it s quick and you can make friends.
    You are still under 2h, check the market, chat a bit, socialize.

    Day 6 ~2h
    2x K95. With certain classes you can already do it in duo, depending on class and gear.
    2x Baylor, 3x CC. You should be very close to 99.
    Chat more, work on your future CP.

    Day 7 ~2h - from this day you start making profit
    2x K95 preferably in duo or with box only.
    If you do with your box, every time you get 15-35kk income / run.
    Baylor 2x, CC 3x. You must be 99 already.
    Go Balok, take the drop and quest rewards.
    Go Kamaloka with a decent party. Use Maphr.

    Repeat the last day.

    Do Octavis, try to find party for Epics and Tauti. 1 good DD can carry the entire party.
    If you have 1h more daily, start your dualclass.
    Do always 1 tier lower Kartias at least once.

    Since you have PA you can have extra acc running. Set it to farm the event squashes from lv 50. Can leave for entire night and that should be ~50kk profit daily.

    Next 2-3 weeks with this plan you should reach 100.
    Again next 4 weeks with added Atelia, lv 101.

    Try to catch Dragon Buffs. You can use them for your double daily kartia, giving huge bonus.

    Save your vit. Be smart.
    BlkRizt likes this.
  19. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    Forgot to quote, there is your answer.
  20. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    you talk about paulina 30d twilight or immortal?
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