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Frost does not run after pressing Play button

Discussion in 'Instructions Archive' started by Nemezida, Apr 26, 2012.

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  1. Nemezida

    Nemezida User

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    dear players,

    if you press play button and after that nothing happens please do the following actions:

    please delete frost and system folders from the root folder of the game and delete the folder named 'gameguard' if there is one.
    delete updater.cache.data file in the game folder (file is hidden). use attached .bat file for automatic deletion.
    after that fix game. for that click on a "gears" icon next to the 'play' button on eu.4game.com. then click 'fix game'.

    if it doesn't help you
    1. make sure you added frost and lineage ii files to the exclusions of your antivirus.
    how to do it for the most popular antiviruses you can find here
    2. check your hosts file
    please follow this link
    3. customize internet explorer options. (exactly this browser even if you don’t use it)
    a. run internet explorer, click on a "gears" icon on the right side of the browser window, select internet options. in connections tab click lan settings. make sure there is no tick opposite use proxy server for your lan
    b. run internet explorer, press alt button, make sure that in file menu there is no tick opposite work offline
    c. temporary turn off windows firewall. to do it download brand.bat file and run it. the service will be turned off till the next restart of your pc
    4. check if you have the latest version of your operating system service pack
    click the start button, right-click computer, and then click properties
    you will see currently version of your os service pack in the windows edition field
    the latest versions of sps:
    service pack 3 for windows xp
    service pack 1 for windows 7
    service pack 2 for windows vista
    5. if you don’t have any antivirus please check your computer for viruses.
    the thing is that frost sees viruses as cheats injecting game process. for checking you can use, for example, the free utility anti-malware
    6. configure dep
    data execution prevention (dep) is a security feature included in modern operating systems. dep is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non-executable memory region.
    a. click the start button, right-click computer, and then click properties.
    choose advanced system settings line on the left side of the window.
    b. select advanced tab, find performance field and click settings
    c. select data execution prevention tab and tick turn on dep for all programs and services expect those i select line. click add
    d. add to exclusions l2.exe file from system folder (…\4game\lineageii eu\system\l2.exe). click ok
    7. if you use any proxy servers try to turn it off
    8. if recommendations mentioned above don’t help you please try to disable extraneous services windows
    if you cannot understand what exactly software conflicts with the protection system, the following actions will disable all extraneous services windows, which are not part of your operating system.
    if you use special software (to provide access to the internet, special drivers for audio devices) please remember that these applications may temporarily not work after disabling.
    but anyway, these services can be enabled separately.

    a. press win+r buttons
    b. in the appeared window type msconfig. you will see system configuration window
    c. in startup tab click disable all button
    d. in services tab tick hide all microsoft services on the bottom of the window and click disable all
    f. then click ok. you will be offered to restart your pc. please restart it. after that try to run lineage ii not running any other applications
    if your problem still remains please write to support and provide the following data:
    1. screenshot of the error. if frost protection system doesn’t run please also declare it
    2. indicate antivirus you use, screenshot of its exclusions lists. if you don’t have any antivirus also declare it
    3. dxdiag file. how to get it you can find here

    sincerely, nemezida.

    Attached Files:

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