Hello guys in new in l2 and i don't know how classes works and what classes I like. Here's the story. I started a dark elf which awakened into feoh. I heard summoner are Rly strong on pvp and bcs I am a pvp lover though of making him dual so I got him as sub. Went to alligator done 2 quests but I didn't like the play style now I be got a healer as dual. Now my problem is on my second char. It's an ertheia lvl 80. I learned that on this race u can't change the class u will choose as dual so I ve got to be very careful. So my question is what are the best and most powerful classes for ertheia to dual either for pvp or pve Excuse my lack of knowledge and thanks in advance for your time
you can always cancel dual and reawaken it to 85lv costs 100kk-10kk/lvl (10kk on 95lv) and it doesnt matter u erteya or another race with some dedication, knowledge, gear and investment 99lv is 2days(or even 1 if got $ for pwlvl) so not big deal in reseting duals, just dont buy non tradable stuff untill u 100% confident in main/dual or what ever u want to play
Yes but it's not that easy for someone who just started I can't do all those things so I need to take a lifetime choice. It should be either an summoner which I don't know, explained why, or archer or dagger (I don't even have those adena I have 3m)