Hello Guys. I am lvl 99 Feoh Storm Screamer. I am planning to buy Queen Ant's Soul Ring, which gives me M. Crit +20. About sometime ago, I happened to read on a forum that at level 99 i will normally reach the max crit. I want to know if this is true. If true then the Queen ant's ring would be useless to me. Any Idea? Thanks
Hi SnoWyz, my lvl 99 wizard with Iss Buff has 317 M. Critical Rate. What will happen If Equip the Queen Ant's Soul Ring (+20 Mcrit)? Would it stay at 320? or 337?
you can raise your mcrit to 500 if you want, but effective you will have 320 = 32% critchance. better raise your critdamage or attribute attack greetingz
yes, it aply shows up to 500, but with 500 or 320 u hit same chance (~30%) https://4gameforum.com/threads/617968/ so hard to use search in forum?