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New server l2store idea

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Akayds, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    Hey fellow players,

    I am starting this thread although i have posted something similar in the Questions to Innova topic. This is to see if people agrees or not and maybe to give Innova a better direction for l2shop coming from the community.

    Let me explain my thoughts:

    Things to consider:
    - Innova cannot make deep configuration about the game, they use ncsoft files and dont make coding changes themselves (for example drop rates etc)
    - The server will be free to play and ofc money has to be made for all of us to have a quality server so we have to support money going towards the server because it affects the quality of it.

    Things common in complaints:
    - Donators have too much op gear only from paying without any work.
    - People don't want to feel like it's going to be p2w (although it will be to a certain degree because money needs to be made to run the server)

    Here is my thought:

    Donators are palyers who will pay to have an advantage over non-donators and this is fair because they support the server and i am not against it. In our case though, this advantage can be defined and configured. Currently, Donators can pull out a visa card and get very end-game items with not that much luck to be honest, donators know they will get something OP by paying a certain amount. We can redefine this system by changing tangeible direct op items into a more chance-based system. Reducing the accessibility to such high end items will also affect the gameplay. Right now people are soloing things that were designed for at least a small party. For example, people stopped doing open world daily rbs in command channels because 1 guy can come with boxes and kill it faster than 3 parties, solo. Doesn't make too much sense to me that you can invest money in shop get direct items then go and ruin other peoples opportunities by taking all for yourself solo while it was meant for many people. Let's not mention the unbalance in pvp either this speaks for itself.

    Back to my point about the chance-based l2shop items:

    If instead of donating for direct end game items, people had only access to standard/blassed (smaller chance) + 0 and there were enchanting packs containing various enchanting supplies like scrolls and lucky stones, people will still buy it to get an advantage over the other players. The difference is their advantage will not be a full pvp weapon +12 but instead, with a big donation amount, they might get a heavenly scroll/destruction scroll, some high chance blessed enchanting stone. This way the gap between donators and non-donators will be reduced. We can still have events etc with small chance of dropping pvp/pve stones etc. The difference here is taht someone who has no cash limit will not come in server with a +12 pvp set and +15+ pvp weapon full tali and items. Instead, these same donators will have less GG items but still more than the non-donators. It will also make donators play more to reach end-game because they will not be able to achieve GG items only from shop. There are many other viable ideas that people have they can share here.

    *REMEMBER* The goal here is not to kill donations and remove the incentive to donate, its actually to support and encourage donations WHILE reducing the gap of donators in-game power vs non-donators. The donator mindset comes down to paying money to have an advantage over others. This is fair because some people work and dont have much time to play they can come and help support the server while being relevant. Reducing the accessibility to incredibly end-game gear will directly play a major role in balancing the server overall, pve and pvp. And even if 3 top donators donate less because they are mad that they cant get +30 wep, you will still get 10 more people to donate for something like enchanting packs.

    (Sidenote, i miss the first days of awakening when everyone barely reached 85-87 and there were sieges in full immortal and requiem, this was the most fun ive ever had in GoD, it was balanced and noone had op gear, maybe a very few people had +4-5 weapon 1SA and thats it. I know the game changed but this is just a sidenote to point out how fun comes from balance.)

    TLDR: remove OP end game items from shop and replace for chance-based items that will still give u an advantage over non-donators but nothing too GG OP.

    Opinions down below, no flaming, only constructive please.
    Kloey likes this.
  2. tradercito123

    tradercito123 User

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    Good post, I hope it's taken into account
  3. Oscar

    Oscar User

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    i would suggest to just update L2store each month according to server development, meaning innova would decide each month if its right time to introduce new set of boosts from premade list.

    start from pure exp/vit boosts,
    next month something small like talismans,
    then go for elemental shirts, etc

    tarots would have progressive updates too
    Kloey likes this.
  4. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    Good idea, as long as after a year we are not back to square 1 with people with GGGGG
  5. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    Also, i am currently reading the pre-patch notes of Grand Crusade and i've noticed that zaken drops will be nerfed. Look i am not for making many zaken toons to farm adena cause its ridiculous to have 100 chars. But the game has no reliable source of drops anywhere in the map at every level. The full drops etc have been completely nerfed and removed again and again from the game because of bots. Farming in open world is a huge massive waste of time right now sure you make SOME adena but its not worth the time spent and resources used at ALL. By nerfing zaken drops and not compensating by improving drops elsewhere there is no way this server will be viable for any non-donator even those who buy premium will not be able to get a reliable source of adena. Zaken chars dont even give that much adena and u have to work extra hard to make all those chars. I don't see why they are nerfing zaken drops just to bash on poor players who have already a hard time making adena to stay relevant (which in most case still remain irrelevant). Sharing this cause i think this has to be considered and is really distrubing. In this current state of the game, zaken drops nerf = the death of non-donators i am also not going to play somewhere where i am forced to pay to have fun. I buy PA already and i think paying 15 euro a month should give me access to all aspects of the game as it is in other mmos. Why does ncsoft feel it is necessary to nerf and nerf and nerf and nerf in-game methods of obtaining adena for people who cant afford to buy more than premium account? Without zaken drops, this will not even be pay 2 win anymore, it will be pay to play because if you don't buy l2store you will die from lack of adena.
  6. CancerB0y1

    CancerB0y1 User

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    Tarots and Vintage Caskets destroyed the server (Core). No please. When lucky games came out all server into 10 days was full epics. Update the tarots and make the rewards w/o epics and so expensive items.
  7. Zanee

    Zanee User

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    idk mate

    It all depends on what the l2store will be like and for how long

    But if it will ever be like like core, then you need to put Euro, otherwise you will not be able to have top gear

    Core now is like this with drop: epic taut = bewr and maybe some crafting pack for R95/R + rune. So lol drop

    Other epics drop bear,bewr and **** like that

    Reason? Money! It all comes down to money

    I guess we wait and see how the l2store will be like and if the drop rate will be changed or not

    but if OP itemes like tarror, vintage etc will be in shop from day 1, you need to put money or you will have no chance to win
  8. CancerB0y1

    CancerB0y1 User

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    One huge +
  9. 21st_

    21st_ User

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    didn't knew money drop from the sky.
    Advocad, sleepers and SnoWyz like this.
  10. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    in game* sigh
  11. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Don't be stupid, the time ppl would play ingame, they work.