Hello Guys, Would there be an interest in having a shilien templar for raids ? If i get a decent party for daily raids I would consider not awakening my tank. (preferably non russian clan, english speaking / no offence / )
Its only for pve and its used only as a bot, you cant play active with that char. Because you dont hit, you dont tank, you dont need gear. You just hit ur pet and open the skills, nothing more-nothing less. From the other hand, if you want to spend your time and joke arround with kartias and kamalokas only then do it, but you wont enjoy it.
my initial plan was to use it for early raids, later on lvl 95+/- awaken. by that time i could have another box for sos. I was just wondering if there are some parties that plan to do daily raids. but seems like i will awaken at 85
You can try it out untill 95, if you see in some point that you dont enjoy the game or people dont want you in parties just awaken