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DIfference between othell ghost hunter and othell wind rider

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by TheNeroo, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. TheNeroo

    TheNeroo User

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    Hey guys Im thinking alot now which class should I play othell gh or othell wr, can someone give me advice what differences they have? :)
  2. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    WR more lethal more cooldown reduction and a pskill evasion buff 90% which is much better than the reflect from GH. othells are getting changes in next patch. Right now WR is way better for like party pvp. DE probably for pve / oly cuz of reflect but the reflect is only a portion of dmg its not even good seriously. Any othell who understand the game mechanics today will tell u go WR but othells are being changed in Grand Crusade and i havent read enough about it to tell which one is going to be better then.

    WR is goign to be a bit awkward because of side teleport skill they are putting so idk, DE will give better damage from the back on next and have a long range "shadow dash" so I'd maybe make GH because of the incoming patch