I was wondering what is the meta for the tyr DN. Will it have a place in a good pvp setup ? Will it be chosen over a tyr titan in a AOE pve setup ?
Pvp, probably not.. in pve sometimes better in AOE partys, but single target titan better U can lvl up dread and u will see whats is good with it if not u always can chnage it to tyr tit with chaos essence
its only worth depending on who are u fighting. against full geared people its kinda useless. For oly is a good toon, even with a vesper pole u can kill people stunning them all the time =)
I can't say with the latest changes, but DN is good for: PvE Bad for : PvP As soon as people gear up with anti-stun jewerly, you're done. Especially in oly. Grand crusade should change things abit ( no HP on archers/daggers ), but i can't say for sure. In 7v7 DN is useless(ish). In mass pvp, you can rely on cancel and that's pretty much it.
Yeah I agree with Shiny, had myself DN for PvE, felt really nice for AoE even with decend gear not hard to find party or solo AoE end zones, about PvP any proper group will have perma purge+purge+AT rotation and stun will become useless and especially with all anti-stun jewels its land rate become horrible. Mass PvP any decend clan has ISS Domi and mass cancel become pretty useless aswell. In Oly it's even worse, likelly lovest dmg of all classes, all anti-stun jewels/brooches, and a lot debuff ressistance buff's/classes/shirt's or even ISS'es with MI makes they stun nearly useless or impossible to land. I played myself ISS DC with MI on core, and when I met Hero Nakedking, I won again him ON DMG, because he wasnt been able land stun's and damage even with PvP(?) pole was horrible. So if you want decend PvE class it's good choice, but in PvP/Oly side it nearly one of worse classes dosnt matter gear.
I don't really think problem will come when people get stun jewels, as with same jewels DN stun is landing a lot, problem will be when meta is the same as it's in Core atm, x2 healers with eva's + iss giving angelic or even angelic to someone and MI to main DD and people get more items for cooldown to have almost perma purge. You rely on stuns on pvp to be usefull, you can't stun them means you're useless deadweight for your pt. This should change in EP5.0 Salvation tho, but till then pretty long way (approx 8 months)