Hello all, I want to warn all, that "uzsienietis" is a big scammer. He wrote in global chat that looking mentee for 30KK adena. I uped from 1lvl to 85lvl within 8 hours and did not receive any help and promised money 30.000.000 (30KK) . He ignores me already 5 hours and he really not afk, because I see that it is running Adena city and writes to the global chat. He from ''GANG'' clan. Clan leader ''burgis''. Lithuania. Good luck.
If he don't answer You at night, it's doesn't mean he is scamer. I was talking with him today. He was sleeping after siege and today he was at work. I told him to to pay You any adena, because Your total noob.
wtf? DDD he was 79lvl after siege 23.00 , I went to sleep becouse normal people working from mondays . mychar 24/7 on , shops / training camps / pa points today back after work 17.00 and see 2pms ,and this post posted 12.06 am DDD Wtf is wrong with you? people working !!!! and I am scammer? I dont know why I even I did sended adena for you? Man you are joke ! wish admins would give u warning or smth for talking **** about people , reporting them becouse you being idiot . Instead of waiting til 5-6pm when normal people coming back after work . Ridiculous
He saw you running in aden tho, didn't he? By that definition you are either a bot, or just a shameless dishonest guy. 1. No, we are not gonna have discussion about him having a proof of you running around, it was an honor bound verbal contract you guys made and I don't see him gaining anything by posting here that you are a scammer. Also, you paying him back and going full offensive here tells a lot. 2. No I'm not trying and will not participate in drama here or ingame. 3. Calling people idiot, joke or calling them to get warning is not a very nice thing to do now, is it? Specially for someone that made 1-85 for you in 8 hours.. I've seen a lot of your kind in l2 and I really don't like them, thus why I bothered leaving a comment. Edit: Also from burgis polite respond, I can hardly believe that they would recruit such an immature boy to their clan.