SoA has different stages, at the server start it has stage 1, after certains ammout of mobs have been killed, it moves onto stage 2, and stage 2 lasts for 2 weeks fixed time and then move onto stage 3, and this is when Istina (common) will be available. Keeping in mind that server started on tuesday of 2 weeks ago and first 85 were made on the first day of the server, if those first people hitting 85 went straight up to SoA and farmed enough, Istina instance will be open today, if not, expect it to be open in the next days, either tomorrow or the next day for sure. In order to prevent further questions, Epic Istina opens up on stage 4, and in order to achieve this stage, server must kill Istina (common) 10 times and the monday at 13:00 server time, Epic Istina instance will be available. From the point that we get stage 3 once, server must be really dead to move onto stage 1 again, so don't worry about Istina instance being closed again by game mechanics.
it may take some time more, because i doubt many ppl went for SoA when kartia/new content is lot better