And what's next? I absolutely don't know how to start a game after 85. It's my first aweken ever, never was higher than 85lvl. I just have 2 basic questions: 1. How do I lvlup after awekening? Quests? Typical grinding or rb's etc? I just noticed exp is rly slow now. 2. How to earn adena? I dont need "SO OP BEST" way to earn adena, I just want to buy gear before my Paulina's eq will dissapear (30 days) and don't wanna go bankrupt.
Well, Atm ure at very easy lvling stage,basicly instanced exp and few open field. Most quests r listed on l2wiki. Also here u can find a few guides. Buying PA speed up lvling a lot and is cheap boost. To gain adena is a bit harder,basicly u have to gather it from drops. U should join open rb ,if possible.
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