About dyes: +15 DEX? +10 DEX +5 STR? +10 STR +5 DEX? What's the reason everyone goes for dual dagger? What's wrong with single one? Ability Points set? *Focusing on PvP both oly and field.
female dwarf(cuz cute af) 2 dex 1 str leg dye. Single dagger and sigil AP when we get GC will be different so u need to look for those on russian or maybe ncwest forums(rochand can work aswell)
Race: Dark Elf Class: Ghost Hunter Dyes: Full DEX setup (+15 DEX, doesn't matter which kind of dyes, cheap ones work too, don't use ones with "-" on any stats), use STR Aria bracelet, use STR stews. Ability Points: Can vary, it really depends on what your play style is and your gear also. Reason: Best damage output; since always. It also gets buffed on GC update. Enjoy! EDIT: You asked about dual daggers also. Dual daggers = more P.Atk = more dmg. Simple, right ?
Don't follow the post above at any cost exept the part with class / race. Go for DE dagger with +15 STR dyes and enjoy tons of dmg
For what you're going to use DEX when in next chronicle daggers can't crit on skills damage x2 anymore? STR will add dmg / crit dmg and skill mastery rate while DEX will add accuracy
Dex affects the rate of " double dmg " on your stabs. Str gives p.att and affects skill mastery which on dagger is boosted by 1000% passively so skill "crits" as they are reffered are very common at high str values. That means that high str can make your character crit on your shadow chase and stun for 6 seconds instead of 3, it can make you have double duration on your evasion skills and refresh the cooldown on two of your stabs. But that is not all, str can boost your dmg greatly by making drum buff's counter critical part double duration. The way it works is that counter critical gets triggered every 16 seconds by a certain amount of dmg received directly or by reflect and normally it lasts for 8 seconds but for a high str dagger counter critical can very often crit and have its duration doubled giving you the buff for 16 seconds which means as it goes off you can proc it again. So at very high str and with a bit of luck in your favour you can have counter critical on for a long time. Having all of that in mind the best balance is in my opinion to have the minimum amount of dex needed to not fail on your stabs too often and the rest to str. And i think the amount of dex that is good enough is 70-75 and after you have that amount to focus only on as much str as possible. Based on the information dark elf is the best choice on helios chronicle. Also some extra dagger stuff, since the new soul crystal system was added dualdaggers can have any 2 special abilities as a single daggers making them by far the best weapon choice since dualdagger's p.att is a lot higher than single dagger's even though p.att matters in small way for stabs it is still enough that single dagger gimps you and is 2ond tier. Single dagger has a small advantage of low dmg fluctuation but even the lowest dmg roll of dualdaggers is higher than the highest roll of a single dagger. And finally if you make any tests for dex don't forget to test with any other stab other than bloodstab because bloodstab is "doubled" at a hugely higher rate than the other 3 stabs so if you test dex's usefulness only with bloodstab you might come to the wrong conclusion that dex is completely useless which is not the case.
Example of DEX setup working just fine even on GC: Check inventory at the 2:30 minute mark. I would appreciate you guys who don't play othell not telling an othell player what an othell needs to do/use. We research this stuff before we go for builds/change setups you know... Thank you for your time.
Yeah you take so much time to research that you're going into wrong build, the guy is killing because of the items and class revamp not because of the build, check what a proper build (DE full STR ) can do: Edit: You can also check the pvp they did in GC before that one, he was literally destroying everyone
#1 Johny is way more stacked than this Foks. #2 Johny is on full STR because he is doing olympiad heavily, he's one of their farmers, not because of some "holy sheise STR dabest, it's the only way to go" concept. #3 Johny is on dual daggers, the other guy is on single. #3.1 Upon closer inspection their damage is virtually the same. Both are GH. Johny is 105, other guy is still 103. #3.2 It boils down to playstyle and utility. It all depends on where you go with the builds. Both builds are viable. DEX build is cheap, it still works, it's a bit more universally reliable build. #3.3 We've seen all the videos mate, we've seen the builds. We can decide for ourselves without your uncalled for help. #Whocaresanymore - I gave the man a reliable build. And you came to theorize again. Go ahead, advise the people mister knowitall. Thanks for your attention guys.
You don't even know what you're talking about, just tell me the advantages of playing with full DEX build over STR, it's cheaper like you said, but let's see what it adds
You said it is around and don't show it to ppl. Play with full dex is stupidy just like full str. A balance is always needed. The dude isn't destroying everyone because he have str setup.