just few minutes ago , dion is reciveing f5 tornado, just kidding, the battle in dion is very intence , 1st video footage will be here in 20 - 30 minutes. im sad that i couldnt make my character high enough to join actual tw or tomorrows siege, but right now video is made from on of dion gates, damn laggy over there, ofc better footage would be from ground, so .. sorry about that , but i hope you will enjoy it :d just came out, give it 10 minutes more and u can see in 1080p after checking out the video, leave comment below the video , anything & also rate it ( its quite important for us, and we thankyou ) subscriiibeeeeee .... or i will eat the white puffy rabbits, im dead serious...
it was nutssss , over my expectations, beeing in eu servers for 4th day and if anyone ever say that server is empty i will guide him to warm and empty place :d for me it was so unexcpected, all i did was: opened 2 l2 windows, turned on full details, whispering to clan leaders asking , where is the rocknroll , after bit search just few minutes before this began i get whisper: fast to dion, and damn nice timing, on video you can see how everything starts off with silence, nice weather, 5 minutes later 1st kills , 10 minutes later enemy on line, 15 min, the hell is loose ( im talking about ingame minutes, since i cut it , i couldnt find the best graphics to record it, cause like i said i was unprepared, and better to record is from ground, so i need make my krusty fast to high level.
nice video, did u have limited display of players? cause when we were there it was way more than just 100ppl. and from what i saw on thehorde+hb cc they had over 130ppl just in cc . not hard to defend wards when u cant even get ppl to the castle since u load castle+efects of psp+players+wooden pc enought trolling , nice tw
on dion was rediculous. more than 10 seconds dalay, spamming grp heal, no targets, no debuffs, nothing. dunno what was the problem but i hope the staff gonna fix it...
+1 dobo, no serious lags, internet 0 lags, fps dropped ofc but not like 5 fps or w.e. @melody: banana internetz
even with nasa pc i still cannot afford all juices for the whole siege ( its like buffor for the server traffic packets is overloaded) restart/relog helps a lot.
dear random with big mouth, aka sickve, please, tell me in which cave you are farming and which top r clan got you in so i can delevel you a bit, thanks.
damn guys , use other ways to flame your selves, this topic is to show you video, no fights in here...
i remember you were part of that party, the funny part is how fast rs are forgeting from where they started. send greetings to r king btw