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Why is it AoE is not allowed in Balok Instance?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Luffy, May 9, 2017.

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  1. Luffy

    Luffy User

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    they always say the do not use Aoe Skills and....

    Why is it necessary to stay inside the drawing circle on the floor?

    Anyone can enlighten me? Thanks..
  2. __JTB

    __JTB User

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    There is a myth that if use AoE than mobs spawn or Balok uses imprison or something. I didn't find that true, but some players got used to it.
    Balok spawns mobs when it targets someone in the distance. That's why it is advised to use bsoe as soon as you get into prison, and stay close to it. Since it spawns in the circle, the best way to stay close to it, is to be in the circle and not move out of it.
    UnknownPower and Yakawa like this.
  3. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Its a myth spread by pple who refuses to learn L2 and prefer to act based on gossips.
    UnknownPower likes this.
  4. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Because people are dumb as ****, simple as that. Just don't leave the circle in the middle, the moment Balok is outside that cirle, if you hit it, it will start summoning mobs. Doesn't matter if you hit it with aoe or not, it will send people to prison anyways, just try to kill it ASAP and give first hits with summons from summoner or healer and should be fine
    UnknownPower and Petya91 like this.
  5. UnknownPower

    UnknownPower User

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    Yep. Beware of lag/latency differences, in some clients one character may be in the circle, while the same character in other clients (and the server) out of it, so if you notice anyone outside, better to mention it on TS/pt chat (especially if you don't have a SoS tank or it simply takes longer for you to kill it).
  6. Davros

    Davros User

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    No aoe, no skill, only attack. .... 30 min latter. Fail instance. And evryone is f.... everyone in the pt. Why??? Low level of education are no lifers and are rulers of the game. Not all but the majority
  7. Alexiel

    Alexiel User

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    What you are going to read here is something you should have known a long time ago. Balok (Balrog) is easy even with a weak party, but if people insist on doing the wrong things, especially when Balok is below 40% HP, it can get quite deadly quick.
    Let's start from the basics. Balok has three stages:
    1. Until the first time 85% HP was reached.
    2. Until the first time 40% HP was reached.
    3. After 40% HP was reached.
    Balok will have different skills at his disposal depending on stage. Balok is the most deadly at the third stage, obviously.
    In general, Balok will select a target to be attacked randomly, however, it will prefer choosing someone else than Sigel, Tyrr or Othel.
    This is why even if you do absolutely nothing, Balok may start attacking you or cast a skill on you. You can verify this being a healer with a strong party: even though you are very close to Balok, use no skills, do not move, do not attack, do not have a summon/pet, you can still get attacked, Black Vortex Swamp'd, Imprison'd.
    The only thing that matters to Balok is being attacked (by anyone, including servitors); the type of attack (melee/range/skill/aoe) does not. GET OVER IT.
    If someone ends up not too close to Balok, but within Leap Attack range, Balok is likely to use Leap Attack on them. If someone is even further away, Balok will, over time, grow more and more incited to attack them directly (regardless of class).
    In stage 1, Balok will use general attacks along with these skills:
    Black Vortex
    Black Vortex Swamp
    Leap Attack
    Earth Demolition
    8 Isolation Room Wardens spawn automatically once stage 2 is reached.
    During stage 2, Balok may either cast Leap Attack once (like stages 1 and 3) or 5 times in quick succession.
    In stage 2, Balok will additionally use Imprison AND will cause minions (if any are spawned) to switch targets more often.
    In stage 3, Balok will additionally use:
    Dark Consume
    Manual switching of minion targets for a volley of Death Rap casts on a single target
    There are a few skills that have a side effect AFTER they are cast successfully:
    Each Rear Destroy will cause Balok to be more likely to attack those that were hit with it.
    Each Earth Demolition (EXCEPT during stage 1) will spawn a rift that will then keep spawning minions.
    Each Dark Consume will cause Balok to be healed.
    Each Black Vortex Swamp will cause Balok to use a Leap Attack within a short period of time.
    Each Imprison will move the target to one of 8 jail rooms, the room door will be closed and the associated Isolation Room Warden will lose invincibility.

    Here are some ground rules everyone should follow:
    Stay as close to Balok as possible, regardless of it's current position. If Balok is outside circle due to whatever reason, the whole PT should be outside and as close as possible.
    Use whatever means to dispose of the minions as quickly as possible. Do not let 20+ minions to spawn during stage 3, or they will slay the entire party one by one thanks to all of them using Death Rap on a single target.
    Kill EXACTLY ONE Isolation Room Warden each time after you were imprisoned. Rescue YOURSELF from prison whenever possible, do not keep bsoeing out when it is completely unneccessary.

    Here's what to do when X happens, when X is:
    X = Earth Demolition = "Rift" = Minions
    Kill all the minions. Any AoE classes (Feoh, Yul, Tyrr + Pole) can do this fairly quickly. Use AoE debuffs to make it even easier and avoid any weaker character deaths.
    You MUST focus on minions instead of Balok during stage 3.
    X = Imprison
    If you have a Prison Gate Key (either from killing an Isolation Room Warden OR from previous Baylor instance), use that on the jail gate AND kill the associated Isolation Room Warden to get another. Move close to Balok immediately after that.
    If you do not have a Prison Gate Key, bsoe, reenter, move close to Balok, and kill the associated Isolation Room Warden for a Prison Gate Key. Only kill one warden to make sure other players can kill theirs.
    X = Invincibility
    Any character that can deal high damage in a single hit should attempt to attack Balok from behind (make sure you don't get interrupted by Rear Destroy if damage comes from a skill). If a certain threshold is exceeded, Balok will lose invincibility.

    Have fun killing Balok at ease.
    source =http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=290998
    GBPwnz, UnknownPower and St0ne like this.
  8. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Thanks for OSOM guide for uneducated and stubborn gossip followers. Thats very detailed info about what we were saying most of time.
    Mby now those pple stop screaming: no aoe!no stun!no skills!
  9. FryderykChopin

    FryderykChopin User

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    I mean that's basically L2 community in a nutshell since 2001... Korean random made people paranoid about things :D

    I remember on one of my first servers - it was a Chronicle 4 if I remember correctly - it was a rock solid fact that dwarves have higher change of enchanting items... People were making dwarrves and adding +STR dyes (yes, STR dyes were totally increasing enchant chances too) for enchanting.
  10. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    It's about people believing old myths and not even trying to use their brains to know how game mechanics are actually working, nothing new as there's lot of those in every single game
  11. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    idk about aoe... and "stay in center all" just pew pew.. this was one of longest baloks for me so far

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