when i change dark elf wynn spectral master to wynn arcana lord, can i have felone queen summon for queen buff? (i mean crit buff 2min)
so i must be human arcana lord first and change for wynn spectral master (chaos essence) and can got feline queen? May 14, 2017 and this buff work with iss buffs etc?
to get cat buff you need remove sonatas. this useful for titans who goes with SoS, gog buff, then cat buff and combat aura.
its not get.. all sumons from 2-3 prof remains on sumoners.. so humans have cat, dark elfs have spectral/shadow and etc new buffs dont work with any of preawakened skills (exception is only for nobles), for all old skills u need to remove something (drum for pow/cow), sonatas for cat and etc.. stacked toon have more benefits from all possible old buffs and without sonatas (ofc not on pvp, and not aoe pve)