To avoid competition in the killings of bosses - competitors are trying to slander me I apologize for the video quality
That was amazing idea to add auto macros xD Next thing looped macros so one macro starts another one - now that would be a great idea. <3 ncsoft
Someone actually pays for PA only for multi accounts? A person with average IT knowledge bypasses it easly ;D
IF you dont pay 12 + pa account that will be self ownage and insta BAN on this serv on ALL accounts DD Jun 3, 2017 Do you knwo if youy use bypass is insta BAN ? this guy get insta ban soon how long don't have 12+ pa account
shows us your average it knowledge? ^^ virtual machines doesnt work with frost, and switching users is not practical if its more than 1 extra account..
next feasture in near future - settings for auto buffs, polygon where to kill mobs, what to pick up etc. in short - fully working IG bot from ncsoft...
Changing users is easy to check as well because each L2 client user has it's own identificator. It's really easy to understand if you figure out the number and how HiD works. But im not going to give you any clues since Fragola would probably delete it anyway XD It's not insta ban, takes at least few weeks. This guy has PA as you can clearly see he has only L2 windows opened so he's legit.
As long as s/he isnt breaking any rules regarding multi-accounting, why shouldn't it be allowed? Isnt this the same forum that has users telling those that complain about the lack or drops/adena to make multiple alts in order to farm several instances? This player found a solution for a problem. Maybe people should start complaining about the problem, no?
Complaining about what half servers does? Doubth there is any real farmer who plays with less then 5 windows all the time open. And if you have atleast few braincells in your head with thoose 5 windows you pay your PA fees with maximum few days. For example I'm paying for 21 PA acc, instead of buying L2store I prefer to pay for PA, and I'm getting more adenas from thoose characters on afk macros/fishing and doing daily instances then I woud spend on L2store via paying PA fees, so idk why you ppl complain. if you cant do it, dont have brains for that or cannot aford it dont be jelous for others.. just play your game as you imagine it and dont be jelous for thoose who have another image of game...