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Money Pits

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Oeste, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Ithillien

    Ithillien User

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    I've been playing in the server for about a month or so and so far I've liked it, the economy is not yet mature and the player base is limited, there needs to be more promotion towards capturing new players. There are a couple of things that have caught my eye when compared to NCWest, where I still hold an account on Chronos:

    1. The enchant rate for everything seems to be much lower, the brooch jewel rates are absurdly low, literally hundreds of jewels can't make a +4 jewel not to say a +5. Innova must be making so much money on this event. (But this applies to shirts as well).
    2. Many of the items available in the NCWest store are not available here, notably absent are the Giant's energy and the Energy of destruction which makes the Brooches even harder to get, I guess this was an unnecessary foul play Innova, think it over please.
    3. What's with the gatekeeper fee's? the economy is having a hard time growing, you don't need more money pits in game, the ones you have are more than enough, put more money in circulation by making the teleport free, I mean there are already multiple ways of adena free teleporting such as the paid account agathion and the "My teleport" options.
    4. I like your L2 store, it's better priced and removes some nonsense, i will use again the example of "My teleport", on NC West u need 3 items: book, flag and scroll; here you simplified to simply book and scroll, I like it.
    5. Vitality at 300% is very nice, but it seems to wear off much faster than in Chronos, please review the vitality bar conditions, make it "normal" eg. "to last a little longer" or add an L2 store item to maintain vitality cause all we have right now is that -50% vitality consumption option which does not work very well.

    So far so good but you need to work harder on getting the server more populated, you have a lot going on for you so advertising it would probably bring people over.

  2. ziggle

    ziggle User

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    Well they did LINK the captions for the joke (don't jump because..................) To FB
  3. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Brooches and jewels from Mammon purposely cost that much so people prefer to buy from L2 Store or with Adena from those who bought from L2 Store.
    Having a maintaining vitality potion in L2 Store is a no-brainer for me, it helps people reach 105 faster and also increases L2 Store sales not only on that pot but on every vitality item.
    It's sad to see that many Europeans play in the laggy, overpriced and full of bots NCWest, but not everyone affords to start from 0 again or can sell their items there to have a starting budget here.