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How to form the best squad for Kartia's Labyrinth?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Althalos, Jul 4, 2017.

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  1. Althalos

    Althalos User

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    Hello again,

    So, today I went in Kartia about 5 times till I found the players who could defeat Zellaka. I lost about 3% of hard gained XP. Some dumb players were AFK, some of them even ruined our job and attacked us while struggling defeating the boss.

    My question concerns about how to choose good players who know how to play with supportive characters and also, what's the best formation for the party in Kartia 85? How many players is needed minimum/maximum to enter without worrying to not fail there?

  2. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    To avoid failing it must be active heal and iss plus dd with 150+ attri. DD class aint matter so much as long as heal is active and can handle dmg.
    Depends from gear,but u can do it even duo,trio or solo with boxed iss,or even on npc buffs.
  3. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    In low levels I wouldn't even bother making kartias of less than 7 ppl unless you have really good gear, which means above the usual stuff you get around those levels, so try to stick to 7 people party and just block those playing really bad, someone can play bad because not used to play that class, that's okey but if they refuse to cooperate with the party to try to get the objective just block and that's it
  4. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    with items way above lv85 pay grade k85 and k90 can be soloed easy even without iss (unless saving vitality than boxed iss is good), k95 want or not need to have iss cause i doubt hat u have gear to clean it without sonatas and etc (and in those 30min of buff time)

    to form normal party dont take ppl 85 cause they have penality (86 also has but its not that noticable comparing to 85)
    if u have only paulinas equip it will be hard in any party setup (maybe only 5x tanks and heal+iss will not have any trouble, all others get too much dmg from zelaka)
    to make it not hard take dagger (crit wound makes difference) 2 any dd(better ranged ones, or sumoners, since they can avoid dmg) +heal+iss make sure u use rose..
    if have 300 wep, set 3x120 (for zelaka preferably at least 3x items with dark resist on them (so u have 400++ dark resist) and for pelina 400+ fire resist) and with that gear u can duo it with iss that have some brain to avoid dmg or trio if feeling lazy to make long kartia
  5. darkm

    darkm User

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    For k85 is more a question of gear, if you have goob gear you could do it alone, (i do it a lot of time when i need to powerlevel a new box for something) but for new players that the gear probably will be mentor armor and mentor/shadow weapon, you will need iss & heal active (the iss isnt for the buff cause you have the newi buff is more for the debufs on raid, and 2 or 3 dds if they have a decent gear (armor with almost 60 of element protection, and weapon with 150 element, 300 if is possible, if you cant find dds with goob weapons will be difficult cause, with the inmmortal without element and without enchant the boss will hit really hard on yours dds more if this ppl are just 85 and the heal will be a lot of work giving res on they.

    Pd: what class are you? cause if you are heal or iss, mayby could try to look for a goob Dd and try to do in on duo.
  6. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    Feoh on paulina equipment / broochs 3 and shiny +10( for rebirth + salvation ) can solo all kartias with iss box. It dosen't require that much gear.
  7. iFilda

    iFilda User

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    87-90 I was soloing it with 300apo retri and sapphire 3. No shirt, no jewels and that was even before the feohs changes.
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