In this experiment, an influence of elemental attributes and stances on damage is going to be estimated. Attacker: 103 lvl Feoh Mystic Muse Target: 103 lvl Aeore Cardinal 103 lvl Feoh Mystic Muse attacked 103 lvl Aeore Cardinal, using various elemental attributes in weapons and different stances. As always, a special GM command turned off a damage spread. The results are stated below: 103 lvl Feoh Mystic Muse Lv. 8 Elemental Storm Attack Attribute: Water 300 Lv. 1 Water Stance 47802/95604 Attack Attribute: Water 300 Lv. 1 Holy Stance 39283/78566 Attack Attribute: Holy 300 Lv. 1 Holy Stance 47802/95604 Attack Attribute: Holy 300 Lv. 1 Water Stance 39283/78566 Summary: As it can be seen from the results, if different elemental attributes in weapons and stances are used, wizard’s damage decreases.
well i already knew 7y ago that when igo duelist with my duelist for enchant skill fire elem.dmg with fire gun ill do more dmg than with dark elm. .d this make absolute sense with logic. Showing ppl L2 mechanics, thats a huge experiment..
prolly requested experiment 4 years which never took notice , you guys are definitely up to date with the most "useful" experiments. Just stop these experiments if you don't intend to show results your clients wanna see. You are obviously not obliged to do any of this, so don't mock us with this useless ****.