Dear Innova staff, I have proposal to made PA service like subscription in WoW or Aion where you can buy it for in-game money. Most ppl already pay by adena for L2store items. They just find good ppl who don't care about they money and trade adena for real time money. Put PA as item to ingame shop, able to sell it by auction house, ppl who want pay real money for ingame cash gonna sell it and ppl who don't want to pay gonna buy it. This will allow us to play without investing real money and will give US little more of free2play. Innova will be have money and we illusion of chances for new players, who don't want to pay for game or can't. I know my proposal potentially will be crashed by some people, but why not to try to do something to make Lineage 2 great again.
Innova is not very worried about its consumers, because it has already grown and is not very interested in its loss, that's for sure, so the idea is not bad but it is not implemented
It's even easier, they have that system in Russian server, you can buy a code from someone (who buys l2store) and you pay them adena in exchange of that code and then on the website you exchange it for your PA
Hey @Therminius and thank you for your suggestion. @MrOurk is right - we have a similar system at RU, unfortunately, at the moment it's technically impossible to implement it at EU, but we hope it will be implemented by our web team in the future.