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Why are we still playing this L2? Reflections of players

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Skatt, Sep 9, 2017.

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  1. Skatt

    Skatt User

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    Hi all

    This topic is full google.translate. Thanks for understanding. Original text here - Почему мы ещё играем в эту L2 ? Размышления игроков

    I will write right away - here is a lot of text, here are too many images.

    After another visit to the places "from the old L2", I had an idea - why do we still play this game, which still only keeps on the old developments? Why do we still support money with a project that left only one name? Like a car, from which only the body remained, and all the insides were replaced with new ones.

    Moreover, if the cars do this in order to improve them (as they say - yes, only the body is original, everything else is from ***), then in L2 it is done (and continues to be done) with the aim, probably, of deterioration. Otherwise I can not name it.

    Seriously, all the good that is in L2 is 99% older (before GOD) development. The whole game world and the foundation of the mechanics of the game is an old design. That little good is this - only 7 roles for 7 members of the group and a new design of the Human Village (not full Talking Island. I didn't saw full island [​IMG] ). The rest of the game world and mechanics were created during the chronicles of the C3-> Freya period. At that time (C3 / 4 -> Freya -> High Five) people in the game played in the whole gaming world, and not as now, only in 2 cities (Oren and Aden), Island of Souls, Parnassus and a lot of instances.

    Now 90% of the online is conducted in 2 settlements (Oren and Aden), the island of Souls and a lot of instances, access to which is made from the same Aden and Parnassus (a piece of the Crystal Island). Players do not see the big Open World. Only occasionally, on the way to the instincts (85% of the server population) or to the siege of some castle (the rest + 15%), players see a small part of the big game world, which nobody needs now. Well, during the series of quests 40-85 in part you can see what was created a long time ago, but that no one else needs.

    There is also a very small layer of players who pump characters up to 70-85 lvl purely on RB. They remember the location of most of the RBs on the map and see what's left of that big map. But there are very few of them.

    This idea has pushed me to the idea of making a photo session from Big Open World, which I realized. I visited some popular places earlier, where, as a rule, a lot of people were tusila, from 30 to 83 levels. Those the entire server. I suggest that you recall what you used to play and what left a mark in your memory that it is because of old memory that you are still playing a game that is L2 only by name.

    Places go in increasing levels. Pictures under the spoilers. All images are clickable (increase by mouse click).

    Graphics settings are according to my taste (as it is more convenient for me to play). Only in the VOS (Valley of Saints) and the Village of the Dwarves (time zone for the quest for 4 professions) I put close to the maximum, purely for comparison (in my opinion, the maximum settings everywhere in the game "eat out the eyes").

    The author of the theme plays on Core (Euro-L2 from Innova), because all the names and chat in English. :)


    Here people drove trains and grazed 3 RBs almost by respawn (there was no series of quests for the swing of characters)





    There were catacombs (or necropolises, I don't remember already), as well as trains homeless / middle peasants or solo top-players.



    Crowd spoilers sops, 2 RB (32 or 33 and 45 lvl), a quest to wash the PK.




    The neighborhood of the tower and the crater. On the Classic version, there are crowds of people, from the start of servers to today. Thanks to the very non-frequent drop of the book DW (the whisper of death - for PP and SE).




    The marsh is for 25-38 players and the Cruma Tower itself.

    A cult place. There's nothing to add here either. In the old L2 was PK constant, even on the latest chronicles. And, most importantly, there was someone to hit in the PK.
    On the Classic version a very populated place is also due to the presence of 4 RBs in the marshes, for characters 30-40 lvl.

    The swamp:







    I will draw your attention to 4 next images.





    Handsomely? But this is not an instance, this is Open World, which is available all the time. When was the last time you were in Cruma?

    And in the Cartia or the Nightmare Kamaloka you are at least 2 times out of 5 when playing.

    From my point of view, Cruma is one of the three most beautiful places in L2.

    VOS / or the Valley of Saints.
    Another of the most beautiful places in the world is L2, on an equal footing with Cruma and MOS (the Monastery of Silence). I would not even share a pedestal between them.

    At the same time I will remind all those who have forgotten the road to the Raid Boss, which still enjoys some popularity.






    Mobs buff on themselves Prophecy. In the game it looks very beautiful and unusual.









    We leave the hall with the RB on the other side and go further. In the distance, you can see the exit to MOS (Monastery).


    But I turned back to VOS. Here I set the graphics settings to higher, but the picture, in my opinion, became more "caustic". I do not like these settings, so only one picture with this graphics. It's a matter of taste.


    Mobs from the quest, it seems, for 3 prof. They still stand here.


    I'm glad that the quest was greatly changed in the direction of simplification, because The old version with 700 mobs was very zadrotsky. The option with the RB in the seps, of course, was simpler and everyone who had this opportunity went to seps. But, nevertheless, mobs still stand in VOS'e, and do not lie in Cemetery.

    There were minions RB Aenkazel, RB itself is not present. It is noteworthy that the minions are ~ 95 level.
    In the old version of L2 there was RB in the rift with a consonant name - Anakazel . Only there he was without minions and himself was level 78.
    And the minions for some reason do not stand at one point, but roam through different points of the valley (I met them earlier in two more places).


    In conclusion on VOS'u, I want to add that, in my opinion, the same island of souls (where a minimum of one-third of the server is grazing) is much worse in atmosphere and layout than this place with 60th mobs.

    Tower with Bayum.


    In the room can be seen RB


    We go inside and look


    RB level 78, however. If you roll it in 1-2 bodies, you can get exp 78 -> 83-85 lvl (depends on the presence of boost on exp: PA, 100% rune, Frey's scroll or Mafr, mentor bonus, academy crown bonus, 3% from the NPC in the city, you can even count the bonus from the new nobles).

    And flush this RB in 1 body can any DD in Pauline's robe with the same Pauline's weapon if you take away guards and put the heal 85+ with the macro to call the tree (at the end of the heal throw out of the party). All will take ~ 20 minutes of time (+/- 5 minutes).

    We leave and go into another room

    And before he was a Raid Boss

    We rise further


    People still walk to Baium, because nothing new for them I will not show



    He who doesn't walk, will remember it again.

    People were driven trains up to 83-84 levels. Also there is the RB, but to access the room with it you need a key that gets out of the mobs (if my memory doesn't cheats me).





    This NPC could make a quest to immediately tp on the 2 nd floor, without running through the 1st floor.


    Rooms with mobs:





    Gate to room with RB



    Wonderful bridge. Isn't iit ?

    Are there any similar in the current instances? If at all, at least one instance, which was at least close to MOS (Monastery) or Cruma in the atmosphere of execution and planning, architecture?
    I am at a loss with a positive answer to this question. And you?

    Very specific content, but, nevertheless, it's an interesting Open World too.





    And even in the redesigned new-old settlements, the old mechanics of the game is used.

    Temporary zone from 4 profession quest







    Earlier they used to be used on sieges. Classic servers are used to plug holes in the walls and mass sacrifice (try to take it all HP when bishop heal him % :D )

    And some gnomes use it for AOE-exp, during the siege, of course.

    Also, characters use the clothes from the chronicles C3-High Five


    Why in the Dwarven Village are old cannons and an old golem? Why clothes from old chronicles? And even the appearance of weapons on a third of the characters in the game (if you pay attention), too, from the old chronicles.
    Because nothing was later created. The developers of nothing new could not come up with anything, as a result, they gave birth to one of not many sensible thoughts - to introduce the possibility to change the appearance of the weapon to the one that people like.

    Why did I create this topic and spent my time on it?

    I want to show you what kind of **** we're playing right now. That this L2 - this is just one name from the game that runs in our subconscious when we run this ****. We see the current version on the monitor, but our consciousness pulls out of memory the old version one that was epic-won many chronicles in a row, and puts it on top of the new version, so that we do not care to puke (sick) from all this. This is the work of the human brain. And thanks to her the game still holds.

    In principle, developers can cut the whole map, leaving only Oren, Aden, Parnassus (where to put the Humans village, or Parnas to cram in the neighborhood with the village of People) and the island of Souls, fill the rest with water, and people will not notice the difference. Because the rest of the card is not used, in principle. This is an unnecessary Big Open World of game, which is many times more beautiful and more thoughtful than what the, ghm, developers of this game do.

    But discard the screen that hangs the brain. For what specifically does it make sense to support the project so far with a money? Is there at least one reason? Before the release of L2 classic it was - there was no alternative.

    Now, in my subjective opinion, it's better to play l2classic (this is the same mechanic L2 + GOD), but with a Big Open World, and not with a bunch of temporary zones from Aden and Parnassus.
    Better to let the project bend to the end, the further this creature is tortured. At least for the sake of common sense. It still will not be resuscitated to the level of normal L2, because there is a classic version. It will be pulled, and the old version will be thrown out in the trash, sooner or later (when it completely antagonizes people)

    I played in classic on EU-server Skelth and I can write with confidence that there is no more time needed there than in the old main version (current), to achieve similar results. We spend time in the temporary zones and preparation for it in the main version, the classic version of the people spend no more time.
    Or even to score on L2, if there is no desire to start on a classic server.

    P.S. Thanks for taking the time to read this thread. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2017
    CDVM likes this.
  2. Skatt

    Skatt User

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    After reading again my topic and reassessing it, I realized that the whole essence of the normal L2 can be displayed in one image, which I accidentally made.

    Image under the spoiler


    Just a big open world, where you can do whatever the player wants - beat mobs / farm RB / and without any temporary-zones / PK, like an animal, and then wash yourself in 5-10 minutes. [​IMG] Or fall from someone's hands and drop something valuable, and it is to drop, like a loot, without destroying the thing / kill afk-characters with the help of mobs and collect from them a loot / something else.

    In general, all that was in L2 right up to the last part of High-Five (except loot from under the mobs) and all that is now in the classic version. And all these moments are not present in the current version.

    Over the past few years, developers have significantly spoiled the main version of the game, depriving it of all these advantages.

  3. oldbartz

    oldbartz User

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    I play it cause i found my purpose on this game ( dont troll me:p ), i simply love it even if its nothing seirious compared to other games and i mean not by gameplay but by NCsoft itself doesnt care anymore but still if u count the players that are online in the same time are over 300k (counting all the NCsoft official and sadly priv servers). So my answer is that ppl including me loving this game, u will see mostly hate comments for this game and its not wrong tho coz i suppose the community got dissapointed since the company dont give a fack for fixing major issues and bugs but in the end we all come back here, killing mobs, competing and hating each other... As for me, i will keep playing this until is closed and will just move to the other lineage projects (wont be the same tho..) coz lineage is life boys!!
    CM Fragola and FeDeZz like this.
  4. Fhurrhurr

    Fhurrhurr User

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    You made me cry.
  5. Tizarth

    Tizarth User

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    dear Skatt,
    i was about to cry,
    luckyly i'm 40 so there are very few things that can make me cry uncontrolledly.
    as someone who played this game at the very begininnig,
    i can say you have hit the mark of what this game was,
    and the feelings of immense surprise and discovery we all had playing this game in the past,and that is totally missing nowadays,
    this is one of the reasons i've quit the game long time ago and browse l2 forum just to search for a decent pvp video to waste my time,
    cause that feeling of wonder is gone when developers stopped to believe in this project and stopped adding REAL new content.
    if you want that feeling again,you must search someone else about mmorpg,
    or better get a decent single player rpg.
    l2 is dead so much time ago people forgot its dead,
    and keep playing confusing the carcass of it with what is used to be:the best mmorpg around.
  6. CDVM

    CDVM User

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    i never read this thread until the ****** spammer revived it, good thread OP :)
  7. darthblade

    darthblade User

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    idk but check out this picture of Marckela

    CM Fragola likes this.
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