Hi , is it alowed to automate things where u just need to klick ok / ok / ok /ok on ur screen with a mouseklicker? I mean everyone that ever tried to change 5k fortune pockets lvl 1 to higher lvls know what i mean ... So im looking for an official answer @CM Fragola if this is bannable or its fine If its not ok, can u plz change it that u can put an amount of items u want to trade, becouse standing there for hours and clicking mouse is really ******et Thanks
Any third party program which automates the gameplay (exactly clicking as you described) is illegal. Also Innova can't change ingame content afaik due to licensing, they are not game creators just distributors.
so u can get a bann for using a mouse klicker? Even if its a hardware one? thats rly ******et ..... lf info from CmFragola
if im not so wrong u can use mouse,keyboard etc but if u are on pc or smth like that u cant be afk and using mouse/keyboard macros
u can use macro mouse/keyboard if u are near pc (logs can be checked for things like how many times u clicked when u couldnt already exchange those pockets and etc) if u refering to "mouse clicker" as a program then probably u can get banned cause its 3rd party software
basicly its not alowed but if you use it and noone will report you to gm with hard evidance you are free to use it...
You won't get banned. It's against the rules yes, but no-one cares about RMT bots who will bother with you ? Also you being near the PC or not it's against the rules. It's 3rd party soft, how can you prove you were at the PC? Also there is no such thing like "hard evidence" there have been few videos of bitters, B even streamed but all cashed out freely.
well i dont use a clicker to automate gameplay while farming like pressing macro 1 then 2 then 3 etc, just one streight click, i could aswell put an hardware clicker on the mouse , or my uncle with downsyndrome etc ... so in other words if my downy uncle click for me i can get banned xD nice game
Nope, then you are banned for account sharing Apart form the joke, it is the idea not to use any third party software. Clickers are counted as those, so theoretically bannable. Practically as long as you do something not anyhow dangerous or obvious (like upgrading the fortune bags) it should be fine. The rule was made to prevent bots. Most of the clickers are already filtered by Frost anyway.
Modern technologies and modern gaming devices making this mouse clicking theme quite clear. Game industry evolved massively and now it is 1 from biggest industries in world with billions of Euros involved. Miliseconds matters, companies evolving new devices. It is how it is. On modern devices u just hold left button and it will click untill its released. Lineage2 is like 10+ year old game, propably none from developers was counting with it. It would be crazy and unreal to say to people to use only mouses made in 1990 with 2 buttons. GM team officialy informed players at Core Clan Leader council, that u can use gaming devices and their features, but u cannot be AFK while doing so. Being AFK would be considered is automated game process and would lead to penalty. I cannot find exact words of GM team, but this was conclusion. Back in time it was discussion about clicking inside instances.