During this experiment, «White Talisman - Cancel Resistance» skill efficiency is going to be tested. Attacker: 99 lvl Feoh Mystic Muse, having all skills, but without any buffs or equipment. Target: 99 lvl Iss Hierophant, having all skills, but without equipment. «White Talisman - Cancel Resistance» depended on the test. Buffs: Prevailing Sonata, Refreshing Sonata, Lute Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody. In this experiment, the attacker was using an «Ignore Divinity» skill. In the first part, the cancel resistance wasn’t increased on the target, however, in the second part «White Talisman - Cancel Resistance» skill was used. The chances to cancel one and two buffs are stated in the table: Summary: As it can be seen from the results, White Talisman - Cancel Resistance really allows to protect a character from buff cancel. The rate of two buffs cancel was reduced by half.