hello im newebie idk new lineage 2. im player interlude what is dual class show make it? and i need Tips
89 level make kartia instances and 10 days Quest from tulesir aden town is next to buff manager need make 1 kartia and 1 bloody swampland quest duty of the survivor
Haha :-D Cmon pple,guy needs "just" 30bil at 89lv and playing like a 2weeks? Sad serbidor!Sad game!Sad pple!
The game is designed for longterm players or for those who are willing to spend a lot of real money on the game. 30b can be obtained if you play daily but casually (2h/day) for like 3-4 years. (daily 2-3 kartias + 30d and 100d quest + instances as random) If you find/make a CP it will drop to half time or less (previously mentioned but with higher instas and shared adena) If you decide to drop in 30-50 eur / promotion for l2store events, few months and few hundred eurs.
I'm lvl 86 and I do zellakia and vollodos quest at bloody swamp (10 days adventure). Both things take 1 hour more or less and i get 10%exp and 1 million. If I have more time I do subclass (not so often). What else can I do? What is Kartia and how/where can I do it? Is possible for a yul lvl 86 like me? And the main of my newbie question: what the hell is CP? Clan Party???
Karta is the npc located at aden center. There is solo and party instances at lvlss 85-89 90-94 and 95+. The zellaka u said above its the name of the 85-89 lvls instance. I.t usualy take up to 30m to finish it and it gives probably the best exp u can get at these lvls. Cp is the first letters of constant party. I really hate typing in forum so if u want some infos u can always pm me
That's because you don't do the full quest at bloody swamp. It should give you around 5-6kk if done fully (400/400). Also to @xxxKristixxx at 89 what set do you need that is worth 30b ? I'm 102 and do fine at PVE with set worth ~10b.
@Yakawa I do the quest just until 100+100 mob because I have little time...if i can i'll do that quest until 400+400 cor sure @TrueStoryBrah Ty, i'll pm you