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What Stats for Wynn Elemental Master???

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Tetele, Nov 14, 2017.

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  1. Tetele

    Tetele Banned

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    I mean the points spend on attribute attack or what???? Also magic attack??? Because the summoner is a mix of a fighter and mage is not it???
  2. UnknownPower

    UnknownPower User

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    Mage setup for wynns is only used in rare PvP situations, really. Pets do very little damage in PvP unless the target is decently debuffed.

    So you can go for two setups:
    1. Warrior Tree
    2. Warrior Tree + Wizard Tree, you take attri + m.atk APs from the wizard tree and the rest from the warrior tree, this is not so good a solution though, because it makes it almost impossible to get higher lvl APs

    A full Wizard Tree is okay if you are going for hero or use your wynn in solo PvP but wynn is really bad at open field mass pvp. It is better to go for a PvE setup because it can still be useful in both situations (PvE and PvP, but only minimally in PvP) and because you just switch to a pvp class during mass pvp, and yes, this is something that is always done by players who play as wynn as their mains (none of them plays as their main class wynn during mass pvp).
  3. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Just curiosity,why exactly an pve wynn may need matk for?
    U may also ask @suprised and @Cobra if they mass pvp on wynns ;)
  4. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    They dont pvp on mains. Cobra was archer now is feoh, surprised was pvping on dagger then on healer/feoh. Wyns are auwfull in pvp. Even more if u fight against 2-3 heals setup with MI.
    UnknownPower likes this.
  5. UnknownPower

    UnknownPower User

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    Yep. Wynns are completely useless in mass pvp because of purges and overhealing, but they are good in oly and solo PvP if you have handz and brainz and enough gear.

    For instance, even most skilled or geared feohs with hands can fail very easily versus a dagger with enough hands and some brains. The same cannot be said about a wynn fight versus dagger, wynn either dies or kills the dagger in less than a few seconds. Wynns play strategically and their fights are brains-based and somewhat hands-based, while other classes fights are hands-based (a lot) and gear-based and somewhat brains-based. Especially when it comes to fighting versus tanks. (Wynn fights versus tanks are a little more gear-based because of the need for resistances.)

    Wynn failing a solo pvp match or encounter means wynn is either handless or brainless.

    M.atk influences damage of your marks. Sapphire and consequently spiritshot damage does as well, by quite a margin. Marks do very little damage alone, but if they are reinforced by BR and any decent buffs (m.atk-boosting party buffs, those new iss buffs from the recent updates), they are something else entirely.

    From my own experiments, this is what wynn's mage-based and warrior-based damage looks like:
    Wynn on naviarope/anakim transform + BR > wynn on marks without transform + BR > wynn on marks without transform and without BR > wynn on naviarope/anakim transform and without BR

    1. Wynn on naviarope/anakim transform + BR <- best damage
    2. Wynn on marks without transform + BR <- this damage is inferior to summoner's pets and summoner himself hitting physically the rb (or using naviarope with herb when farming for example)
    3. Wynn on marks without transform and without BR <- better damage than naviarope without any decent buffs (especially without BR, herbs, Giant's P.Crit.Dmg + POM, etc.)
    4. Wynn on naviarope/anakim transform and without BR <- marks debuff, marks do damage when you slack off, and you can spam next target and marks when farming as well, naviarope/anakim transform is only good with box iss BR or herbs, otherwise it is useless

    So m.atk matters, but not that much in PvE really. Depends on what buffs and setup exactly you roll with. Wynns can't be perma on naviarope/anakim transform either, during lengthy raids marks/m.atk and what damage they do still counts, somewhat.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  6. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    As a 100lv wynn user I highly advice to not focus on matk/marks on pve as they r entirely useless.
    They r only to teigger link,if ure not on transform.
    Navi ise best transf.but u can use also cheap but very good zaken and ranku as anakim is way too expensive.
    To farm RB uve to have CC triggered all time for u+pets thats where real dps is.
  7. Tetele

    Tetele Banned

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    Ok and now,robe or light armor???
  8. St0ne

    St0ne User

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  9. UnknownPower

    UnknownPower User

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    Light for PVE or versus warrior-based classes in PVP, robe in general PVP and also versus mage classes.

    Well, as a player of wynn lvl 102 (before i quit the game many months ago and haven't progressed since even one bit, and had like one year break before that too), I can tell you, m.atk and marks are not completely useless. Especially in solo PVE and "solo party PVE" or pseudo-party PVE (party PVE soloed by wynn) where your debuffs, p.def debuffs in particular, and all sorts of magical attacks matter against mobs and rbs, also depending on how many hands you have and how fast you can spam marks and m.skills in addition to attacks from pets, and how much mobs/rbs are m.def debuffed. (It still depends on a box party setup, having good defs and not using naviarope with a SOS tank is lol.)

    In party PVE p.def debuffs (and p.def-debuffing enchants on wynn skills) are rather useless because rbs tend to be already fully debuffed (however, depending on party members, rbs are not always completely m.def debuffed unless you have a feoh/necro or ertheia wiz in party for example), so there marks in general tend to be a little useless, especially if there is only one mob/rb to take care of, not minions or other mobs as well.

    Naviarope is quite a good option for handless or lazy wynns. Oh, and not only CC/counter-critical/critical-strike is needed for transformed wynns, also BR (battle rhapso), all kinds of self-buffs especially targeting p.atk (Call, Savage, Herbs lying around, PoM from the box iss, and so on) must be activated or triggered together with transform or transform isn't fully effective as it should be, that's where real DPS is. All skills must be active, naviarope without any kind of buff backup or bonuses is not that good.

    By the way, anakim is worth investing in, or at least it was many months ago. Sadly, most sealbook transforms seem to be unavailable right now... (I have all/most of the basic ones + anakim, but you need really good defs for the weak transforms to be actually usable anywhere.)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
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