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l2store based p2w server... close it/delete it/wipe it /// u r useless!!!

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by DirtSpot, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. DirtSpot

    DirtSpot User

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    and i tell u guys from w/e staff u r part of, why : u nerfed everything that games offers just to sell l2store items or w/e reasons u got

    1. drops: baylor and other daily insta raids drop the ****ty modify scrolls and mostly nothing else
    2. enchant: i must fail 30-50 items to get 1 item to +8?? r u mad?? (with almost MAXED LUC)
    3. high lvl farm/XP : so tell me, why do i need 20 years to make lvl 105? i am not a robot to be online 25/7
    4. pve equip: high lvl farm (101+) its a must to have +10 pve items.. tell me, new players how the **** will get that? (i wont even mention old players like me that needs 2 years to get only weapon pve)
    5. DMG on insta raids: did u raised insta raids hp 100x?? ur u just prefer the whole server to be titan and eviscerator ??
    6. and finally FUN: this game on this server offers no fun at all.. no joy at all playing here, cant farm high levels solo, cant even dream of at least 3-4 lvl6 broochs jewels(u know.. to activate brooch br skill), cant even kill an op l2store farmer player, since those guys one-hit almost all.. and tell me.. how i go farm my 10kx 5 mobs for exalted solo, if i cant buff myself?? no1 sells buff potions, npc buffs only max 94 lvl.. its useless.. u guys really think that ppl r stupid and we all gona start buy l2store? u r wrong. close ur server, since is allready empty, or start thinking on a new strategy to at lest keep players here.. because this wont work for most of us.. and after update non-pa players will realize that its useless to even try to farm upgraded grounds.. and u will remain with 7-8 ppl and their 1000 boxes.. that will be funny ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2017
    xLeax, Naito and Hater like this.
  2. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    i used to play this game just because of the great feeling when you destroy some l2store freak at oly.
    But this weekend i had problems to defeat some afk freak (l2store killer had no buffs and was afk).

    No light at the end of the tunnel :D
    Captive7 likes this.
  3. AveJa

    AveJa User

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    I agree with you on drop & gear part; it's near impossible to obtain end game items just by playing casual, with no donation and it shouldn't be like this. I remember gearing half of CP just by doing Fortuna for month. Some p2w is understandable and inevitable but unfortunately it's not 'some'; I guess L2 became very expensive hobby. If you hope for the drop like years ago you can stop dreaming;
    It doesn't mean there is no fun without money.
    I don't put any cash in l2store since years, rarely buy premium (in your face innova - I don't think you deserve even 1 euro; maybe slap in the face for the quality of service you provide).
    I'm support class and I'm in PvP clan with my 50b gear . It gives me tons of fun because with this items I have to be extra careful/try different tactics/positioning as enemies can kill me with laugh. Of course I'm sometimes 1 hitted but I guess everybody can be nowadays.
    If you are strictly PvE player then I don't know what clue to give you as I never was.

    There's a lot of truth in what you are saying but everything will remain the same because of multiple reasons, therefore I recommend to change your attitude and try to approach game differently. All the best DirtSpot.
    DirtSpot likes this.
  4. Tizarth

    Tizarth User

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    innova is just trying to get their bills payed,and do this in 2 ways:
    1)new lineage 2 with only p2w way to play the game and have fun.
    2)l2 classic without l2store but with subscription.

    in both cases they and ncsoft don't care anything bout making the game better/more balanced or investing in new development,
    for they think this project is simply a dead horse and servers are still online just cause they manage to get a profit from them,
    more time pass less people pay less profit=more p2w and may be in future touch l2classic too,who knows.

    ncsoft is investing its money in mobile games cause they remunerate 100 times more than pc games(there is a chart bout it somewhere),
    and trying vr game like a new version of blade and souls.
    l2 is dead so much time ago you even forgot it,
    there is no sense in getting angry anymore,sad,yes,but nothing more.
    DirtSpot and Hater like this.
  5. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    Dude please, just check Skelth (Classic EU) or any RU server, L2 is dead in your mind not in reality. Classic servers at the moment are very alive.
    Skelth at the evenings have 1.7k+ online, a lot of events, no p2w, and massive pvp and pve events!
    From my perspective, Skelth now is only EU server worth to play for a long time.
    Core have become just old players with top gears playground.
  6. goduole

    goduole User

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    All what u tell is truth.. but fragola just tell to theyr team (i hope) our thoughts and thats it, nothing changed years or more , they just dont care regular players , they not even count us as customers(we pay PA)we are just mobs for big players..

    We just need to have hope that one day innova hires a guy who rly care whats happening.. cuz now u know :D 6months or more they even cant make atleast 1 weak without server or login down ^^
  7. iProv

    iProv User

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    Well, just make some event like increase drop rate in daily instances like fortuna/ baylor/ balok / even spezion (like it was in previous chronicles ).
    You will see fresh ppl will get lots of items, for trade, for oe w/e.

    - lots ppl will back
    - market will raise
    - your customers are happy
    - hope to make a server with nice population

    every1 would be happy
    its good deal for every side
  8. goduole

    goduole User

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    All what they do just pushing players leave this server.. p2w events, ramona lounch, unstable server and no help for new players :)

    U see any moves to bring new players or old players back ?;p
  9. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    My god, did you think that getting 2 apo bow and 1 seraph armor will be enough profit per day? When people gonna understand that even if drop is increased you will not be able to reach endgame. Either u donate or u are lucky. There is no more ways, stop asking for them, even if u farm 1 bill / day as new player, u will need like 1500 days to reach CLOSE to top geared people. 750 days if u make 2 bills / day to reach CLOSE to what they have now, not even talking about dragon weaps and new items coming. There is no new players in goddes coz there is no way to catch up unless u are rich, deal with it.

    Why old l2 was getting new players? Coz you only needed to farm armor / weapon / lvl. Thats why drops where enough.

    Why no1 join now? Broochs / talismans / augments / skills / agathions / armors / weaps / dyes / boss jewels / shirts / accesorys. Simply no time or no money, each donor that is able to join means 50 normal people quitting coz of that.

    Donor = profit for innova
    Normal people = trash.

    Its a buisness, nothing personal. If you want old l2 join classic. There u have adena farm, drops, no p2w no gamebreakers. But you want it free , right?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
    tabelata and Captive7 like this.
  10. tabelata

    tabelata User

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  11. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    wait for brooches.

    Also the pay2 win goes much deeper, the next update is actually a scheme to get you to spend more:

    -Iss diversification is a charade, they arent improving isses, they are giving new buffs for diferent classes, which will force more boxes for pvp/pve, as u know in korea after lvl85 u must pay to play, and here u have premium, its a win-win for them (something diferent for isses, and more money from more accounts on);

    -tank diversification is another charade, they pretend nerfing all defenses to party is because of this "abuse of 2-3-4tanks out of party", but in reality it makes everyone weaker defensively so it FORCES DDs to invest even more to be competitive as lower parties will be even weaker next update, they will absolutely make u understand u need to rely on items and not on classes;

    - the entire l2 store is damage-dealer centered (if a class such as support is making u too strong with lower items- like i said above tank- it disencourages purchase of items), most l2 store spenders are DAMAGE DEALERs, support dont need ultra gear to do "average" in pvp, so most items from l2store benefit more damage dealers (static defenses, % damage, skill crit), and that's why DDs are so overpowered after infinite odissey(l2 store + archers in 1), coz in the previous update they release brooches and went downhill from there. The Blue messages on screen are another factor to make DDs to spend more, U LOOK GOOD WHEN UR NAME IS THERE, BUY ITEMS FROM STORE TO HAVE IT MORE OFTEN!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    Alexsaysz, St0ne and Allab like this.
  12. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    you rly still play dis game? o_O respect xD
  13. neverx

    neverx User

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    Throw the whole game away
  14. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Dont blame a game for human errors.