I am thinking to lvl up a Hell Knight on Ramona,like a new start,but i already have an Iss (main) and a Tyrr,i like tanks,my first char on Lineage 2 was a Paladin on C4,now i see the necessity to play an Iss. And if buffs are not necessary in lvl 95,i already should play the Tyrr. The tank is for remember my old days of Lineage 2. My question is: i should create the tank or i continue playing the Iss??? And between a tank and an Iss,which one you choose for solo??? I see the necessity to use the Iss cus i am a solo player,but maybe if i créate the tank (or i continue playing the Tyrr) i get buffs from other Isses,but the disponibility is bad. I am making a mess.