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About 97,98 rbs

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by iLethal, Nov 23, 2017.

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  1. iLethal

    iLethal User

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    The 97, 98 rbs (36 plus the ones spawn on fixed time) are for now to spawn randomly within 20-24 hours. obviously they are designed to give ppl a chance to lvl up/gear up. but the 24/7 farmer (you know who they are) on core manage to camp all of them everyday. I've been messing with them for the past few weeks just for fun (I kill with my 105 dagger so no drops for me), and we both changed some strategies. I hereby share my experience so you all can see what needs to be improved.

    The farmers(a group of 3-4 ppl with a full pve kill team and tons of summoning toons) at first made the rbs all spawn during 2-4am server time and started killing around 4:30am. they pick this time because most EU players are sleeping. usually if any other players see the rb up and come to kill, they will pk them all so no one comes any more. these farmers have been doing so for years and made tons of adena (what they do with it, use your imagination, cuz it didn't go to their gear).

    I made two summoners, one for 18 97rb and the other for 98s, made fast teleport to all their locations. when I saw the 1st one spawn, I port and kill it. with skills I can drop a rb in about 30 secs. the farmers started checking their map to see spawn more frequently cuz they cant stop me like they stop others. and they got the rest cuz I cant buff up that fast and they keep the pve pt buffed and rd to be summoned at all times. but at least I disrupted their farming schedule. it turns out they rather kill the rbs at any time (true 24/7 farmers) but grouped together than have them spawn all over a day, which is more labor work. so they moved all rbs to spawn during my sleep time, which is server afternoon around 3,4pm.

    In the next round, I stay offline with full buff and skills, and waited for at least 5 rbs up and have the summoners rd in place. log, kill, port kill. 5rb within 5mins. keep the toon offline with skills and buff and once the next rb up, log port and kill, faster than they can because they need to trigger sos buff which takes about 20sec, and I already dropped rb half hp. one time I was able to steal about half rbs, made them really mad ;p

    In the next next round, the farmers see the rb spawn, and kite them away to their spawning place so when I log and port, I have to run to find it, which wasted my skill time, making me unable to kill 5 in a row. it's pretty good strategy. I steal at most 1 or 2 from them. but i'm still disrupting their farming time, make rb spawning time spread out and sometimes during prime time or oly time.

    Then there's this current round, where they abuse looting system. they make CC and land dmg to claim loot right as soon as a rb spawn, and keep the rb alive until all is spawn and start killing. once they claim the looting right, it lasts for about 15min and during this time, anyone else try to kill rb even if they do 99% of dmg, the rb still drops full and only they can pick it up. so all they have to do is summon from boss to boss every 10min to keep the looting right. the most I can do is make them start killing early, but no way to prevent them getting full drops.

    Most ppl here are normal players, friends, enemies, donators, farmers. this game is always an investment of either time or money. but the pay2win system that everyone hates was added on because of these 24/7 farmers, who are the real parasites of this game. they camp all the exp places and drops, made it impossible for normal players to compete, and they sell it to them, stealing the money that was supposed to go to the developer, who first added dungeons, later nerfed drops, and later added the pay2win system. It's not really anyone's fault, not everybody wants the same thing, they all just playing within the system and rules.

    Back on topic, this 97, 98 rbs wont have the newly added shield buff like the 100+ do in next update, so the 24/7 farmers will continue what they do. I won't always have time to mess them up especially not make them as mad as before they started abusing the looting system. So it's up to the developer whether they want to make any adjustments, whether to add the shield buff, or reducing the looting right time to 1 minute without dmg etc.

    Cheers and happy Thanksgiving.
    xa0xa0xa0, goduole, FeDeZz and 5 others like this.
  2. Allab

    Allab User

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    Find another place for u cry about your bad game play...
    Why u dont cry about 101/103 raids have fix time 22 and u guys bug it with Comand channel...
    or you dont cry about krogel/turakan/mimir/isabella/ 4 raids with all 12 hours fix time and ever when server DC they up again?? because o clan zerging it?
    Why you dont cry about lvl 88/90?because u clan farming it?
    why u dont cry about 92/94? because u clan farming it?
    you clan have atm 95% of farm and you crying because u not enable to take this 5% left...
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
    Oscar and Elesmira like this.
  3. Omniii

    Omniii User

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    Too bad no 1 cares about your failed attempts to kill low level raids with 105 lv char better find other place to share your tears.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2017
  4. YoloWhatEver

    YoloWhatEver User

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    Did you forget to switch forum account before openly criticising Ironv?
    Elesmira and SnoWyz like this.
  5. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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  6. Hax

    Hax User

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    why would he wanna switch :/ only EN is scared to use their mains to critisize and flame ://
  7. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    LMAO What is this? a private server?

    My god hax, u got a baby in ur care, congratz!

    Ilethal, have you reported your friend's shady website yet? Why no post about it?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  8. Hax

    Hax User

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    your ppl are crying in my PM every day bro, just sadly I dont know who are their mains because despite of being on the internet they are too scared to use their mains.
  9. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    Hax, come on, ure not even supporting ilethal in the thread..you just saying what others do aswell, dude...you know damn well this is official server and this **** is more gold than the riot of BS, admit it man.
  10. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    Once they make CC and claim Loot rights, you can make another CC and kill it. Even if they have loot rights on their CC, if your CC deals more damage, the drop is yours.
  11. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    Holy **** my ******* eyes.

    First of ROFLMFAO ( Rolling On The Floor Laughing My **** Off) on this

    "but the pay2win system that everyone hates was added on because of these 24/7 farmers, who are the real parasites of this game"

    How delusional can you be like WOW

    And now

    Jesus Holy Christ and Allah together. Dude you serious? Your hypocritism reached red alert.
    You openly critisize that few people decide to spend their own time to gear up on the opposite way you did? Which is by the way the traditional "hue" way? Dude how long you play this game? You openly in the meantime say the same for your clan doing the same ******* **** with krogel turakan isabela and 101-103 when they could? Because you dont mention them at all m8 :')

    And btw instead of PRETENDING to be a white knight for every x & y & z dude on the server because if something changes on the matter it would make you happy lets face a fact you neglect. Every random dude on the server starts off with the same chances to gear up besides those that are able to put 10k euro inside in 2 seconds and turn them into superman in a day. Now if they decide to devote themselves in to farming its their own ******* business and its what this game requires to get the ******** ton of items you yourself have by donating. And you come now and qq to Fragola to change the system because you want LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2017
    Yunalesca likes this.
  12. andrius3022

    andrius3022 User

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    Well it is a gap in system if someone comes with 14ppl in cc, hits raids once and they are safe to stay for 15 min in town and let anyone to kill raid and then just come to claim "their" drop...
    Raids should be like everything in this game - who makes the most damage, takes drop not who hits it 1st.
  13. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    Ah so 1st hit is a problem, but 1st clicking into epic bosses is not. Where is the thread for it?
    Elesmira likes this.
  14. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    cmon its legit way to let people catch up ))
    same with castle sieges , we complained about random castle million times, i dont want to fight for goddard every siege since 2 months but since logy approves , everything is alright, same as it is alright to take castle from low clans cuz they had the bad luck to have pvp stone in their castle.
    Elesmira, shnaii and Yunalesca like this.
  15. xLeax

    xLeax User

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    Such a post from one of the biggest, if not the biggest donator on the Server ? If i was u id either Namechange after this, or just quit, this is so embarrassing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2017
    shnaii likes this.
  16. iLethal

    iLethal User

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    funny thing is I didn't even name anyone, and those clowns (always the same group of ppl) just desperately showing up one after another trying to change subject or do personal insults. #mad #verymad #dontlistentohim
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  17. {IronV}

    {IronV} User

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    pvp players
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