idk or this skill work as intended or there is something wrong.. skill description is: it removes ALL sonatas during duel/pvp. but when target(PC) is on self buff, or with all buffs but without sonatas it does nothing. so i'm curious this skill should work like this, or it should cancel sonatas, and later up to 2 buffs, or those 2 buffs is only for NPC?
maybe good maybe not. in ncwest patch notes it says: Increased effects range to nearby target. Remove Prevailing/Daring/Refreshing with a low chance when doing PVP here it works like 20/20.
yes have same issue at oly it doesnt remove anything except sonatas from isses at 100% rate skill was benefit at oly against all because iss is too big dmg dealer and having some buffs removed gave some sorf of chance to win.. and now he's only meat at oly and nothing more..