Hello, how is possible that i got pm by character lvl 1? Cuz what i know you cant send pm on character lvl 1. I wanna know how it is possible if you can tell it.
Its because of bot/rmt sellers. Like this they need to spent some time to lvl up to 40, so creating new accounts and chars to spam RMT related advertisment aint so easy for them... Its effective against RMT traders, so they dont PM U, everytime u appear in their range, but yeah... New players cannot beg for adenka
So now, also title and shop description only after pa or 99 lvl and then increase all prices in store x2 or x3
plausible... untill players realise its not good idea to buy adena from this sites. Just too risky, but since they do it all time, propably they have costumers. If company get busted, they just change name and continue. Player will lose his items, Euros, adena and will get perma banned. Company just change name and lose basically nothing. So sad, players are stupid enough to buy adena from this sources. Especially after several banhammers for RMT, where Innova broke their protection and banned all people who bought there some adena. Its just too risky to buy there and still... people are people... Advertising ilegal business so openly not gonna lead to passivity from Innova, so i understand their steps against it and wouldnt be so surprised if they block also shop titles and completely block chats untill 40 or so... Maybe new Balthus leveling system is part of this plan, since propably chats are not needed at all...