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LF PL or EN CP sayha/heal (fast exp)

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Medow, Apr 26, 2018.

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  1. Medow

    Medow User

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    Class: Sayha 87/heal 85 (SE with pow, I can change for Cardi if need)
    Play time: gmt+1, 18:00-01:00(during week), free weekends - without work
    Age: 27
    TS: It is not a problem
    Polish or INT

    Lookin for CP with nice, crazy and fair ppl to fast exp, farm and fun. Then hard pvp ofc ;)
    I can some donate :)

    On mass pvp, siege, raids etc I will play as healer.

    I have some basic gear for the beggining, 95lvl equipment, 99lvl set+6 and weapon.

    Pm or mail in game "Ichtis
    Thanks :)
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