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Eviscerator Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by zauliuz, May 16, 2018.

  1. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    Eviscerator gear and equipment:


    Weapon: fists. better with high OE, like +7 or more.
    • Weapon SA: Crit dmg and p.atk. or atk. speed.
    • Weapon attribute: I use holy, and it’s pretty good for PvE since only a few raids have holy resistance.
    • Augments: for fists passive 15% p.critical damage
    Additional augments:

    If adena is not a problem, your must get augment is - giants critical damage

    [​IMG]Giant's Critical DamageFor 5 min., P. Critical Damage + 15%.
    those better use on cheap apo weapons.

    Another good augment is:

    [​IMG]Giant's Critical WeaknessFor 10 sec., increases target's Received Critical Damage and Critical Rate by 90%
    but this one is good if you have a healer in a party, and you talk with him when counting and letting him know when to reset debuff. Like this, you can have 20sec 90% more crit dmg? and this is a huge boost during raids.

    Hair accessory:
    1slot P.atk hat, in another any 1slot hair accessory where you can put augment, like additional pdef, some resists or something else useful.

    For PvE until Lv.103 it’s enough blessed twilight leather set (enchant type) +8. it’s better than +6 Eternal light for the set bonus and it's way cheaper + can be used on alt chars for farm.

    +STR as much as possible. Cheap version is https://l2wiki.com/Lv._5_Giant_STR_Dye
    If you are rich can try https://l2wiki.com/Lv._4_Legendary_STR_Dye_(Charisma)
    Or https://l2wiki.com/Lv._5_Legendary_STR_Dye

    Cheap version: queen ant, baium ring, octavis warrior necklace, istina (normal) earring, and knocback or stun earring from CoC (now impossible to get upgraded version, so those can be expensive).

    1. https://l2wiki.com/Ruby#Lvl 3 or more
    2. https://l2wiki.com/Opal#Lvl 3 or more
    3. https://l2wiki.com/Diamond#Lvl 3 or more
    4. https://l2wiki.com/Emerald#Lvl 3 or more

    1. Hellfire or higher.
    2. Longing would be perfect.
    3. Abundance - hunter, or if adena is not a problem, lv1 abundance talisman.
    4. Venir lv8 or higher (lv12 in case you want an additional bonus for skill reuse/skil power).
    5. Rest is by your choice, Anakim/Lilith or 7signs (expensive version).

    Clan hall belt cheap version.
    Chief monkey belt is an expensive version, gives some attribute resistance, and 1 or 2% more damage.

    Tthe best solution +10 elemental shirt, but this one depends on your luck with enchanting.

    Taurus lv12 for battle rhapsody.

    Skills & skills OE:

    Steel mind - time+10 gives 10more seconds for steel mind (every +1 after aditional 0.5s so 15sec on +20)
    Air light/gravity tower - I use atk speed.
    Distortion - time.
    Gravity barrier (self cele) - time.
    Spallation - time.

    Laterial hit - chance.
    Right side step - hex
    Left side step - chance.
    Chin strike - chance.
    Heavy hand - chance.
    Reverse weight (aoe knockdown + pull targets to you) - chance.
    Flying knee kick - chance.
    In short, all debuffs who can hold/stun/knockdown use enchant route for chance. And only those who can only decrease pdef on hex.

    During PvE or even PvP action always spam right side step. To trigger inside position. this skill gives additional crit dmg. and don't forget use Fluid weave to avoide incoming attacks/debuffs.
    with All boosts on raids time to time you can use backstep and then right sidestep, like this you increase your p.atk. for few seconds.

    Abilities and dual class certificates

    on 104lvl i have these, on 105 i'll take another attribute attack from 5th line. at this time i have learned probably one of most useless dual skill for skill mastery, but looks like it works sometimes, and skills get double time way more often than before. you can learn one in 3rd line to remove p.def penalty from savage instead of that one what i have learnt.

    When you reach 99+ on dual class for 3 books learn
    Dual berserker's rage
    and one book use for
    Dual - P. Atk./M. Atk. Increase


    Have one macro to invite your iss box

    another macro can be for giant’s crit dmg buff,
    for that you need put your fists and weapon with augment somewhere in empty skill line, let's say in 7.
    in 7 - 1 your fists
    in 7 - 2 weapon with giants crit damage augment
    put that weapon with augment on you.
    and add to macro:
    /useshortcut 7 2
    /useskill Giant’s Critical Damage  (drag this skill to 2nd line from skills window)
    /useshortcut 7 1
    and save it.

    Just one thing, don't even move while you use this macro (it’s pretty fast, but it can be interrupted very easy if you move)

    If you not PvPing you don’t need any other macros, I personally not recommend use any macros for AFK exp since this feature is arguable and can cost for you a lot of adena/time/money and nerves.
    In case you like PvP, you can make macros with /useskillforce to avoid holding Ctrl button while you attacking unflagged char.

    Oly tactics

    If you doing oly only for “fun” then no special tactics, just use warrior buff set and attack your opponent.
    if you going for a hero, you probably know how to deal with all classes and you don’t need any help

    Exp solo/party

    If possible do party Kartia 85 with 2-3 peoples.
    Best solution if you can handle it alone.
    Same with kartia 90 and 95.

    Solo you can exp on fairy setlement until level 95. Fast mobs respawn, easy to kill, pretty good exp.

    After 95 you can try solo in Nornil's Cave or Strongold 2.

    At 99 you can go solo to Hellbound -> Beleth’s Magic Circle or Desert Quarry, do exalted quest 8000 mobs, with some party to Nightmare Kamaloka (Nightmare kamaloka), Mystic Tavern instances.

    At Lv.100+ you also can go to “Atelia” instance. And you can play as a puller in https://l2wiki.com/Atelia_Fortress and Garden of Spirits.

    Main tasks there is:
    1 - pull mobs
    2 - not to die. For this, you need some gear, not sleep, and use spallation almost all the time.

    For solo after 102-103+ exp spots only Giant’s Cave captives or “shinedust” mobs.
    Also, Enchanted Valley is not a bad spot, but mobs there is 2x harder to kill than shinedust mobs in GC.

    So basically evi is PvE char for solo targets. You can’t AoE with it.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    Sergiops and Rnika like this.
  2. 21Sav

    21Sav User

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    Well, don't get me wrong, but better make guide how to scam people with the PK "feature". Cuz this guide is .... misinforming, lacking, etc.
    SM +10 is giving you 10second more, after that it starts giving 0,5s per enchant.
    This atk speed SA becomes obsolete when you get Air Light +16 or so (depends on overall setup) cuz you hit 1.5k atk speed.
    No bracelet suggestion ? Sure it makes sense enchanced tauti, but maybe a new player wont know that.
    About talismans. To use the bonus from venir 12+ you need Sayha Talisman, but that will make them 6 talismans, and tauti opens 5 slots. So bad luck to a newcomer.
    Brooches, there are brooches up to 6 slot, why put only 4 stones as recommended? Also also .... Why emerald lv3 over red cat lv3 ?
    Emeli, Kym Willer and Conandrina like this.
  3. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

    Likes Received:
    i write this in <30 mins. and it wasn't my idea, just i wont say why i did that :)
  4. demoiselle

    demoiselle User

    Likes Received:
    terrible eviscerator so no point to even read this...like @21Sav said u should make post "how to steal your gear when u keep your toon on macro"...

    For solo after 102-103+ exp spots only Giants Cave captives or “shinedust” mobs.
    Also, The Enchanted Valley is not a bad spot, but mobs there is 2x harder to kill than shinedust mobs in GC.

    try this spots so i can make u drop your itens...nice advertise SuperBad
    Kym Willer and Shinable like this.
  5. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    Thieves make guides now... rofl
    Kym Willer likes this.
  6. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

    Likes Received:
    write better one. for 30min work i got some useful stuff. and what you got?
    or you always can block me and pm from lv1 char how bad i am :)
  7. panini

    panini User

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    next time dont waste your 30min for this, or waste 30min more to make something useful
    Kym Willer likes this.
  8. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

    Likes Received:
    write better one, sue for copyrights, and it will be removed. omg.. crybabies everywhere.
  9. TheQQmaster

    TheQQmaster User

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    bad guide. on ncwest was better1 :)
    Kym Willer likes this.
  10. qweto

    qweto User

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    It's not about better one If you do something do it with whole your heart, not just with half of it. And that the guys don't like it is coz you just told them what alreday they knew and just to know it is not an excuse that you spend just 30min for this.
  11. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Criticism is valid but you guys seem mad about someone else's guide because it's not up to your "standards". If it's bad he'll just not win the contest, jeez.
    zauliuz likes this.