I want make character for Adena on dualclass beter is Tyrr Dreadnought with Aoe skills (standard mass drop) or Tyrr Maestro (spoil)? Actualy i have Tyrr Duelist on 85 lvl i would not delete it but i need adena
Depends on what gear you have for it and what do you consider to be best. A Tyrr for brute force AoE > Titan A Tyrr for consistent and safest AoE > Dreadnough. You need to pay l2wiki a visit since theres some confusion going on in your side. Feohs dont have summons except for Necromancer and creating a dualclass to make money is.. yeah.
in low level locations you can play warlord. But in end game content mobs have stun rezistence and only lame feohs stun lands .....So most of the tyrrs quited. If you are for fun playa 85-99(pavel ruins, fairy settlement, orbis, blazing swamp) go for dread. If you are pixel buying machine go for feoh. Also tyrr needs p evasion setup. And it seems in next update we wohnt be able to get +8 evasion from subbclass anymore. So its gonna be abit harder.