that person who play orthrus.. please, uninstall game. friendly advice.. or "macros" was broken? pets dead. cele off. and what he doing? he jump to other arena just because f1 jump.
IroNv is the best Farmer on Core, don't need to be at the same moment talented fighter.... at least he is playing so fine for me
i played, was like the first/second match on Orthrus vs Snotra. I won the last 3 or 4. I jumped away cuz 1 mark of trick can mean my death
It meant your death anyways, just a few seconds later while you did not do any damage over that time.
yes, i figured out a better playstyle afterwards. Generally speaking a good summoner has better odds to win vs a mage, even with lvl2 weapon on that feoh. Kinda depends on how well you crit and land stuff like hellbind or stun