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How's the Game 100+ (PvE)

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Copeland, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. Copeland

    Copeland User

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    Hi. I'm going to play on the new server casually. My focus will be on PvE and having fun in Oly. I will go either Feoh or Yul, but a lot has changed since I played last and I need more information to decide. (And if the new server fails, I will play Feoh or Yul on Core, so this information is still important.)

    (assume my gear is not amazing but perfectly fine for PvE)

    Feoh Questions

    1. Does Feoh get parties for instances with raid bosses like Kama 99 or field raids? Feoh's still have low damage on RB's don't they?

    2. Do people party MM/SH/ST, or only AM/STS because their AoE Destruction?

    3. How well do the Crash/Burst CC land in Oly? (assuming equal gear with opponent)

    4. Are the Stuns from Magical Teleport Stuns or mental attacks?

    5. Are the Stuns from Mystic Muse Holy Crash/Bursts stuns or mental attack? (I know STS's stun is "faint", but MM says "stun".)

    6. With destruction's description naming a specific element (like Fire on Archmage) is the damage lower if not in the main element (like Water Stance on Archmage)?

    7. I'm concerned about how Feoh does in Oly versus a high CC class, does he just hope for a big crit to win, or is his CC good too?

    8. Which is best Feoh for Oly overall? (assuming same gear and "hands")

    Yul Questions

    9. Does Yul get parties for AoE farm, or is it "LF Feoh" only?

    10. How hard is it to get a Yul to a decent Skill crit rate? Is this a big issue for a casual player?
  2. Palkah

    Palkah User

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    1. If you have top gear you do tons of damage, without not rly. Kama99 is mostly done by duos. Field raid bosses are dominated by few players who kill them solo in 5 seconds.
    2. Depends on the spot, this update some spots got Faint resist, but people still prefer archmage + sts over others
    3. Hard to answer, this question is very gear dependant.
    4. I'll need an L2Wiki link to a skill to answer that
    5. It's most probably a stun, all the Feoh Destruction CCs will probably be tested soon to learn an answer to that question.
    6. Yup, you do lower damage.
    7. Doesn't matter, you win every match where you don't die by damage. You can literally hit a guy, run 1 minute, repeat 5 times, and win. Unless you fight another Feoh or an Archer, these ones are fast.
    8. A one with dragon weapon xD All have their pros and cons but STS/Archmage are I'd say the top
    9. If you pull mobs to a train then sure, otherwise it's hard
    10. That question will hopefully be answered soonTM in a series of experiments
  3. Notic

    Notic User

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    I'll be honest. You will probably have fun first month or two, then you will hit the reality like a brick wall.

    Solo will be hard and if you get a CP, you have to farm everything that's possible (octavis, tauti, balok, baylor, CCx3 and possibly zakens). But that becomes hardly casual because aside these you need your dailies to lvl up, it becomes like 2nd job.

    Item wise, market will be tight, and top items will be acquired through l2store only, so as soon as items are released to l2store, which they will and sooner than you would expect, there will be bunch of people 1 shooting everyone and 1v7'ing
    21Sav likes this.
  4. Notic

    Notic User

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    Doesn't allow me to edit my previous post, but I'll add that Core server is probably one of the worst managed server out there.

    Just put some things in a perspective - same company: prices are 50-100% higher of what they have on Ru, despite the fact that most people playing here are from eastern Europe, communication from team is almost non-existent or vague and rude, all other servers have population available, Core doesn't, violation of EULA is public secret and when you report it - you get "thanks for the heads up"

    I do not mind l2 store, game is old and its impossible to grind and catch up, but when you check the price on Ru and they have it x2 less for the same events/promos, well that's just sad.
  5. Copeland

    Copeland User

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    And EU servers are half the price of NA servers, with much better customer service than NA too.

    You're treating me like a new player. I have enough gear on Core to get PvE groups, I'm just hoping there with be people on the new server to go 99-102 with rather than doing it alone because active players on Core are 102+. I remember on Zaken we were all leveling up together, doing Kartias in duos and trios, gearing up to do K99 and Atelia instance. It was fun.

    I just want to know about Feoh's 100+. I've seen them throughout the years be powerful, then weak, then powerful again, and I'm concerned they might get nerfed right when I start to invest in one, because that is my luck. I suppose in the long run that happens to every DD class and I should play what I like. ><

    And by casual I mean I'm realistic about the fact PvP will be out my reach/budget. I just want to grind up and see all the spots, and I want a DD class that gets to see all the spots and not be like a Seer who no one would pick for any party.
  6. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist User

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    LuckyLuciano "But that becomes hardly casual because aside these you need your dailies to lvl up"
    What kind of daily give you nice exp?
    I'm 100 going to 101 but I can't see anything useful to go to 101 except for Baylor and K95 (ofc all other raid you mentioned but with less exp).

    To Copeland I say that YULs are nerfed; for now FEOH are better but the easier and stronger char I see is TITAN. Nice damage, hard to die from raid, no need top equipment.
  7. Notic

    Notic User

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    At 100, baylor k95 kama and factions. But that shouldnt take long to get to 101 now.

    As for feoh, honestly, they weren't top for pvp maybe, but they definitely were up there at the top before. If you like the class you will enjoy it no matter what. Its solid dd and with right items and setup has dealt tons of damage now and before. For me personally ive never played mages in any of mmo, no matter if they were op or fotm. Just not my playstyle
  8. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist User

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    Me too, I'm yul lover! What are faction? I'm sorry but always have been on private pvp server so I miss a lot of offi content (sei italiano?)