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NEWS [02.11.2018] The exchange of dragons' items will be unavailable

Discussion in '2018' started by Yumi, Nov 2, 2018.

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  1. Yumi

    Yumi Innova Group

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    Dear players!
    Since the 7th of November you won't have an opportunity to exchange the following Dragon's items, which were received during the "Unleash the power of dragons" offer via the Dimensional Merchant anymore:


    If you plan to exchange these items on Shining Dragon's Treasure Chest, please, go to NPC and do it until 8:00 UTC+1 on the 7th of November. The Dragon`s Gold Key and Dragon's Treasure Chest, which you won't exchange, will remain on characters.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2018
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