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Experiment 183 Shield Defense Rate

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Palkah, Jan 26, 2019.

  1. Palkah

    Palkah User

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    Goal: to learn how Shield Defense Rate statistic scales with CON and buffs.

    During the experiment, a Sigel Eva's Templar level 110 with no passive skills (https://l2wiki.com/Superior_Shield_Mastery_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar was also removed) was taking frontal autoattacks from Tyrr Duelist level 110. Occurences of "Your Shield Defense has succeeded" chat message were counted. Character's CON stat was modified during the experiment. Each datapoint was measured with 1000 hits.

    Here are the results:

    Datapoints 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,15,16,17 confirm that buffs for Shield Defense Rate work like any other buffs in the game (multiplication).

    Datapoints 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 were used to create a graph of Shield Defense Rate as a function of CON, on level 110:
    Quadratic function:
    was used to approximate the formula, because it fits the data much better than a linear function. The influence of character's level on Shield Defense Rate was not measured, so the formula above is a great model for a Sigel 110, but could give false (too high) values for lower level characters.
    Applying the https://l2wiki.com/Superior_Shield_Mastery_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar passive doubles the results.

    Datapoint 17 confirms that it is possible to achieve 100% Shield Defense Rate.

    The table below shows how many CON points are needed on each Sigel class to achieve 100% Shield Defense Rate on level 110:
    Sigel Phoenix Knight is a special case because of https://l2wiki.com/Grand_Immortal_Guardian_-_Sigel_Phoenix_Knight

    The required values might be higher for lower levels of characters, since the influence of character level on Shield Defense Rate was not checked at all.
    SnoWyz likes this.