Why don`t we put let`s say a "Gear Score" or something to limitate the Olympiad matching so we won`t be in a match with ppl 107 and get 500k dmg while we are still 89 and have no chance, make it an event so ppl will see how it goes and test it, anyway this is only my poor opinion, this game got no balance in its gameplay at all , thank you, hope someone will read this message. -Thank you-
If they wanted they could just change The Grand Olympiad which was introduced to show the most skilled Player of every Class ( now its the most geared + skilled) so that all Participants will have The same Equipment inside and the Same level, no skill enchant + the system would not let u fight twice against the same opponent per day to avoid trading a bit etc. But the Problem is - Many people wouldnt even feel a need to improve their characters if it was like this so -- Money for NcSoft = No change for us
You are right but still it will be dope to make it more balanced so everybody will have a chance in there, I mean if it will be that you cant be "hero" if you are not 100+ but if somehow they whill make it more fun for everybody, there is nothing nice to play oly and get 1 hit , I see no point in play it anymore and how the game it goes these days , to be at least mid geared player you have to play at least 3 years, sad but I think this game will be out of ppl when the old ones cant play anymore, there is no place for new ppl right now.
Forum is not a place for propositions. If you want to propose your ideas, make a ticket in 4game support. Here noone takes your ideas seriously...
yeah, cuz 4game support totally wont forward your ideas to bin game development is focused on milking since many years now, accept it or quit.