One 3 min fight from Siege evening. So much action But seriously, how can you cry its boring out there when you sit in EN? You even kill your puppets out of boredom (aka TEAM).
You can't really blame them, they are not the ones designing the game, all they did is manage to have 4 archer dragon weapons on their side and that was enough. At least now their archers can kinda compete with Feohs in PvE.
Im not blaming anyone , they have the same amount of dragons bows like 8 months ago when they made half of their enemies quit cos boring. So now they are happy and they are the masters of core
If by happy you mean sitting on afk macros in sos and playing fortnite, then yea, game goals achieved
Some ppl are happy when they can say "i win" even if they are playing alone , thats why you now see some ppl on en "donating" hard now aftef 6 years playing just to feel better
The amount of time/money etc dragon weapon require is not worth for me acording to the status of the server , so dont worry about me