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OFFER Mammon’s ancient treasure

Discussion in '2019' started by Artchem, Aug 7, 2019.

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  1. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    There are so many unresolved mysteries and hidden treasures in Elmoreden, because so many things have happened long before we all appeared. But sometimes you can find something fascinating.

    Recently search team has discovered Mammon’s ancient treasure. The items were truly priceless and the search party has decided to keep their whereabouts secret. Contact treasure seekers and take over the Mammon's Magic Staff to become even more powerful.




    – A new promotion starts in the L2 Store today after the maintenance: purchase Mammon's Keys x400 and x4000 and exchange them for special items through the event NPC.




    – Exchange the purchased Mammon's Keys for special event items through the Mammon's Relic Collector NPC which is located on the event glowing pedestal in each town.


    – Apart from that, you can also purchase Mammon's Magic Staff and Normal Enchant Scroll in the alternative way – for Lucien's Marks and Adena. The marks can be obtained from the Lurin's Fortress dungeon which is currently available from August 7 to September 18. Learn more about the Lurin's Fortress in the dedicated thread.


    – Mammon's Relic Collector can offer you a special item — Mammon's Magic Staff and two kinds of scrolls for enchanting it. You heard right! Those who can't live without gambling – it's your chance to try your luck! ;)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    – During the promotion enchant Mammon's Magic Staff, give the enchanted staff to the Mammon's Relic Collector NPC and get your guaranteed reward from the list below!

    – Enchanting the Mammon's Mammon Staff up to +6 will not give you any reward.


    – For enchanting the event staff you'll need a corresponding enchant scroll. There are two kinds of them: Normal & Special (like a Giant's Scroll for weapons/armor).

    Normal Scroll enchants by 1:


    Special Scroll enchants randomly from +1 to +3:


    – The weapon you'll need to enchant is a Mammon's Magic Staff:


    – Safe enchantment is up to +3, max enchantment is up to +22.
    – Enchant success rate boosters (Save Cards & Enchant Stones) do not affect the event staff.
    – The event staff must be equipped (not just kept in the inventory) to receive a reward.
    – The event staff disappears upon enchant failure.


    – In addition to the main event items you can also buy a Mammon's Treasure Chest from the event NPC which contains many treasures:


    – Opening the box will give you a random item at a certain rate from the following list:


    Known Issues:
    • The <Enchantment Effect> yellow text which is displayed on the Mammon's Magic Staff's tooltip shows incorrect item rewards. The correct reward list for enchanting the staff is listed in the Mammon's Relic Collector's dialogue and in the forum thread. ​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2019
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